DIY Protected NCR18650B Cells ($3.5/18650 for 10ct, liitokala)

I bought 10 Liitokala NCR18650B cells with tabs from aliexpress for US $27.08 after tax. The seller is liitokala official store (184,000 followers) (the listing is deleted, probably ran out of materials)
I also bought 10 button top BMS from aliexpress for US $8.23 after tax

I soldered the bms onto the battery using sand paper to make them solderable. (However, i always have a hard time getting the new button top to stick no matter how much I sand and how much flux I use)
If i was doing more cells i would definitely buy a spot welder and look at different 18650 models from liitokala, and if they didnt already have tabs i would have also got a spot welder.

18650: Liitokala NCR18650B
Advertised Capacity: 3400mAh
Tested Capacity: 3100-3200mAh (charged at 0.5A with LiitoKala Lii-S2 charger)
Advertised Internal Resistance: “Low” :wink:
Tested Internal Resistance (after bms added): 70-90mΩ
Degradation tests:Degradation NCR18650B of Liitokala - ElectroTinker (This is not me)
Size (Before BMS): 65mm x 18mm
Size (After BMS): 71mm x 19mm

BMS Features(from aliexpress listing):
-Over discharge protection (2.75v)
-Over charge protection (4.20v)
-Short circuit protection
-Instant over current protection (6A)
-Slower over current protection (5A)
-Ability to change discharge and charge cutoff (maybe current too)
-−40°C ~ +50°C operating temp
-Low idle current draw

Overall quite pleased with these for use in cheap flashlights. (The flashlights draw under 500mA so no worry about current issues)
Total cost was $3.531 per cell

Two of the Cells I protected

A closer pic including the Liitokala sticker

Side view (including my bad soldering skills)

Top View

Bottom View

I hope this thread can provide some more information about liitokala and their 18650s.