do girls like flashlights too??

havent met a girl flashaholic yet

We’ve had one or two show up here but they don’t stay long. I wonder why? :bigsmile:

maybe guys are mean to them :~ .
ladies are fairly well versed with battery operated gadgets you know :heart_eyes:

and long time no see johny ,hope you are well and in good health sir!

I just had a chloe flashback! Too bad she was a bloke :open_mouth:

LMAO !!! ahahahahaha

Wow, you're sounding just like D.I.C.K. :p

Beats me

Actually, my wife seems to be adding lights to her collection. Oddly, I’m missing some of my favorites. If I wasn’t so afraid of her I’d try to take some of them back. Missing a Mini Griptillian too, now that I think about it. I’m going to wait for her to fall asleep, then do some R&R (remove and relocate).

All kidding aside, she is a user. I’ve notice that her cousin’s wife, who lives close by, has a small flashlight and a whistle on her keychain. So, they are out there using flashlights in the real world, just not here with us. Then again, what sensible girl would?

my wife shows zero interest in lights:davie:

Thanks for asking, my friend. :slight_smile: I’m doing well but will be back on the couch in less than a week for additional knee surgery in less than a week. I’ll be posting more than usual then (is that even possible?) but the down time will allow more time for mods and builds. Maybe even some more reviews. :bigsmile:

Hope all is well with you!

The truth…. BLF is the flashlight division of the ” He-Man Women Haters Club ”.

I don’t think you will find many women haters here, Willie. I do appreciate the Little Rascals reference though! :bigsmile:

We are tuff guys but even Alfalfa had Darla.

My girl loves the pink single mode XML light I made her with the pink trit. She keeps it on the nightstand and uses it ll the time. She also loves the pink Thrunite Ti keychain light I gave her and the 6D cell Maglite under the seat in her Jeep.

She could care less about my lights.

Actually, I think a woman wearing an EDC would be just too much.
Better if they just wear nothing no flashlight at all. :smiley:

My wife plays with mine when I am asleep!

they should make flashlights in lipsticks !

Johnny , saddened to hear about your knee giving up .wish you a speedy recovery!

My wife thinks it is a waste of time…and I think she wastes time reading 3 to 5 books a week. I guess were even.

She plays with your what? :O

I dont think there are many girl-flashies.. but girls are definitely impressed by great flashlights.

"May I light up your world" works great as a pick-up line.

My wife looks at all the miscellaneous boxes of flashlight parts I have and just considers them my grownup Lego's.

Every time I build a new light and show here, her response is " So....this one lights up too? "

Zero interest...

my wife just smiles when another light arrives because she gets the same amount of ‘play’ money that i do

but when my $5 thrunite ti arrived, she liked that one so much she claimed it for her purse lol