Hello im new here and I was wondering if regular people still make flashlights?
There is so many flashlights on the market and parts are getting expensive So I was wondering if this was even a thing?
I used to be able to obtain UF-501B Flash lights for under $7 on ebay. Now they looked to have doubled in price.
For $20 I know I can get a better unit when on sale.
I harvest 18650s from used laptops/battery banks and used these cells in various cheap lights that I own.
I recently purchased a Coast XP9R on sale and it seems to be alot nicer than the flashlights I already own.
The UF-501B is good but the Coast seems just a little better overall.
Another interesting light I own which they dont seem to sell anymore is the UF501A which runs off 1x 16340
Id like to take my existing UF-501B and other similar variants and upgrade them to see what I can achieve with a single 18650.
Do you have any recommendations on the LED, Driver, Heat Sink ect and where to buy them?
Or would the cost be about the same as buying a flashlight outright?
Also if there anyone out there that reviews the flashlight and tears everything down to the type of chip used?
Im looking to find some of the following to upgrade the UF-501B
The most battery efficient assembly or Chip to run off a Single 18650 ( Protected or Unprotected)
The brightest assembly or Chip to run off a Single 18650 ( Protected or Unprotected)
Thank you in advance for any guidance.