I’ve been poking around AliExpress, and found a couple of potentially interesting LEDs.
There’s the OSTAR LE UW S2WN , this one looks to be 3v per die, wired separately but also offered as a 12v configuration. I wonder if it’s possible to wire them in 4p 3v with a custom MCPCB. The datasheet has output at 2800lm, the seller claims it can go up to 6k+.
There’s also the OSTAR LE UW Q8WP , it looks like a standard 3535 pattern LED. Datasheet says up to 710lm, seller claims up to 2.3k lm @ 6A (sounds optimistic). Both of these are apparently glass topped instead of the traditional silicone, though I’m not sure what kind of difference that would make.
I’d love to buy some of these and mess around with them, but I’ve already got some mystery 2000k LG and knockoff WW 3v XHP70 emitters on the way, and I’m really not equipped to test anything properly anyways.
There are two lines Osram makes that we use in flashlights- the Ostar and newer Oslon. The Ostars are designed for effects and stage lighting industry and the most-used Ostars for flashlights are the white flats (1 mm² and 2 mm²). These ones seem a little more obscure though and more specialized and I don’t know much about them.
Yeah, I see the Oslons used a bunch; there’s currently a fascination with pencil beam throwers it seems. The quad die one just looks very interesting, especially if it can really hit 5k+ lumens. That’s well within the territory of the SST/SBT-90s at a similar size and much much cheaper. I’ve still got a light with an old Osram Golden Dragon from back in the day, I’ve always thought their emitters were very neat (mostly cause of interesting package designs, and these ones are no exception).
Yep. They are among the few factory domeless leds (besides the Cree xhp35 and xp-l HI) and have extremely high surface luminance (the Boost HX has 200 cd²mm). Makes them great for throwers.