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I’m not really a lanyard guy but i use one exclusively on my hiking light
Not for my EDC but for my larger lights absolutely.
I find that using a lanyard when you’re wearing gloves can save the light from slipping while you feel around for the switch…
Some of my fave lights have GITD beads from Gold Mountain Beads:
I don’t have a single lanyard on any of my lights. They’re all in the original package.
Just me.
Need a sometimes category.
Generally no. I have one on my Catapult V6 because it came with one and I didn’t think the handle texture was aggressive enough for gloved usage. None of my other lights have one whether it was included or not.
Yea makes more sense than “I don’t know”
Most definitely, almost all of the 18650 and larger lights. If anyone borrows one, they will be asked to wear the lanyard and not remove it.
Yes. Any light that doesn’t have a clip gets a lanyard, except the AAA and smaller key chain lights. I prefer lanyards on most all my pocket lights, including 18650 tube lights. Not a big fan of the chintzy ones that come with most lights nowadays, but I use them. Lumintop and Thrunite have some decent lanyards, the better ones are adjustable. Still trying to figure out a lanyard for my Astrolux EA02. Dinky nub with a tiny little hole on the tail cap to tether a light that weighs the better part of a pound. Wouldn’t trust the provided wrist loop to hold it.
13 with.
24 without.
The lanyard on my D4S got snagged on the glove when I took the glove off and hit the footpath Big frustration when an immaculate exterior on a 3 year old torch gets its first blemish. The week before my brand new D4v2 dropped out of a hole in my shorts pocket and took a beating on the road.
I got a lanyard donation from Sofirn recently so putting those on any lights that don’t have any. Not depending on them to keep the torch attached while going round on the Gravitron but it’s a bit of extra safety.
I have a few OEM lanyards on lights, but I’m not a fan of the braided rat tail shit…stuff with skulls, that people love, but if we all loved the same shit, it would be a boring world.
LAnyard on my lights? … NEVER!
Some with, some without.
My current EDC light has a lanyard, but not the original one.
Nothing that I normally carry has one. I have two larger, clipless lights with lanyards, both are Jaxman 26650 lights.
Definitely use lanyards, but not like most people do. Favorite carry is to put my thumb through the loop with the light hanging down the back of my hand and then bring the light up into my palm. Really secure with the correct length lanyard. There are other carries too, but they are for shorter or longer lanyards. You will Never drop a light when carried like this.
Not just you. If I still have the original box, etc mine may be found there. If I have discarded the original packaging the lanyards are in another box, labeled “lanyards”.
Lanyards are useful for small EDC flashlights. For bigger flashlights, I put paracords on them, just to make them look fancy and interesting.