Do you have an emergency plan? Lights? Food/ Water stowed?

I think the term EDC (Every Day Carry) has become as much about gadgetry as it has anything else. If you distill it down, it is just what you think you will need for 90% of the things you do every day. Then you carry it, everyday…

A good resource is the publication Locusts on the Horizon the writing is less about EXACTLY what you need and more about being flexible with some good equipment. Not a tell all for everyone, but some good practical stuff for those interested. FerFal is good, his blog is here. I think he takes a good pragmatic (experience based) view on things too.

Part of my reason for the thread on a low lumen/long runtime light HERE is due to my experiences living without electricity at times. Still working that build though….

I know there is more than one way to skin a cat, but keeping those other ways in mind during an emergency is the hard part. Some preparation helps, too much becomes its own disaster…