Do you have favourite threads or posts on BLF?

Ha! Bort, it’s coincidental that you mention the I.S. thread. I was moving stuff around the other day and I came across the darned thing. Memories!..

2 Thanks


Since then others have created spheres and other integrating products but you lit the match.
Pun intended.

2 Thanks

Too many orphaned threads from the older forum. I just remembered the “explain your handle” and “explain your avatar” threads. Those were always interesting.

I wish there were a way to recall/import those threads you used to get notifications for, and be able to list/revisit them. Some of them were moribund but would get necroed and get interesting again.

2 Thanks

I like the OL contest threads. They come up annually so i don’t need to go looking for them. One thread that i do use for inspiration , or nostalgia… or both, is this one -
BLF modding links

There’s also some really good stuff in the “What did you mod today” thread but it’s so enormous it’s hard to find anything in there so i don’t bother.

1 Thank

here ya go…

1 Thank

Kewl, tnx!

Sorry it wasn’t possible to import those. This search query comes pretty close though, since it finds all the unique threads that you participated in:

With those search controls you could also try further refining the search:

  • Set Categorized filter to Off-topic Chatter
  • Set Sort by to Most viewed
  • Filter by post count and topic viewsPosts minimum = 100 or 1000 etc.

So one has to go to each thread and hit Watching?

If you want to re-subscribe to those threads that you used to be subscribed to on the old forum, yes. Or possibly Tracking instead of Watching to still keep an eye on those threads but receive fewer notifications. Also if you simply post in any of those threads it will set it as Tracking or Watching depending on your preference at

Is there a way to select all and select Watching?

Not out-of-the-box with this software, that would be useful though. I can understand why it doesn’t exist, because normally forum communities are built from the ground-up with Discourse (where there’s no need for batch-subscribing to many threads) instead of being migrated. Actually the old Drupal forum didn’t have any concept of subscriptions and that entire subsystem was something that I had to cobble together, so it would be impossible for the Drupal → Discourse importer script to know how to work with a one-off system like that.

Do notice though that if somebody replies directly to you in an old thread even if its notifications are set to the default of Normal you should still receive a notification like you did here:

I get it and not your fault, it just sucks.

At least if somebody replies to you in a thread that you were formerly subscribed to you’ll still get a notification so that you can pick up again on your old threads if they have new activity. Or if other users revive the thread it will start appearing in /latest. On the other hand if those old threads remain dormant there’s not a lot of difference between having a list of dormant subscribed threads and finding the list of threads you participated in with

True, i just wish i could batch re-subscribe.

1 Thank

I wasn’t sure if there would be a way to get a list even on the old sw. I could check unread messages that I “subscribed”(??) to, read up, then refresh and get that list down 0 (eg, in case I didn’t get the email notification which is why they stayed unread), but didn’t see a way to get the entire list, up-to-date or otherwise.

I'm never going to live that down, am I?
2 Thanks

I think of it as being awesome, you are even nerdier than Bort :+1:

1 Thank

My apologies if i made you feel like i am making fun of you, i think of it as a great example of serendipity, diagnostic procedures and unexpected happenstance.

Its systems thinking meeting chaos theory.

1 Thank

Oops, looks like I escaped my <tag> again.

Somebody better put me back in my box before I start another apocalypse. I swear that last one was totally an honest mistake… but still. I don’t even know how I keep falling out of this thing!

Please sit down and try to hold as still as possible while we assemble the units.