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Asking because I’m imagining a Morse text entry feature for Anduril. Instead of having to remember your way through all those mode menus, you’d just use the pushbutton to key in a command like “FL” (…. .…) for flashing, etc.
Y’know, I was being a wiseass when I suggested that…
Couldn’t answer this because no matching answer. I’d say I’m at a beginner level, but Morse code doesn’t work slow. You have to learn it at the right speed. And I’m not yet able to follow a QSO. Of course Morse code is not required anymore for the license, but IMHO it’s a very important part of radio communication and amateur radio and everyone should have at least basic knowledge.
Morse code for a flashlight UI? Probably a big nope, even for experts. A menu structure like used by Anduril is faster and easier.
At one time I could send/receive at 40 WPM. But that was a very long time ago. But I would have zero interest in pressing a button on a flashlight to enter “F L” or anything else in order to get into some programming mode. A button on a flashlight has no feel like there is to using a telegraph key.
Is the “P” = Pendleton?
Then Forsyth should have an “e” on the end.
I don't know Morse code, but I do know the programming language Commodore 64 BASIC, which is also pretty much obsolete.
MtnDon, dang, you are right, I misspelled my own name! I thought I had remembered it properly.
SammysHP, my thought has been that the menu structure is more stuff to remember, to the point of needing cheat cards. I expect it to be easier to just remember a few command words. The usual gestures would reach the more frequently used features (simple mode UI, perhaps) but text commands would reach the more obscure or advanced ones. I haven’t tried it yet though, and I don’t yet have a d4v2 (it is still on order). Its clicky pushbutton may be completely unsuitable for this purpose, but I’ve had other pushbutton lights where at least mechanically, I think it could work.
If you want to change your user name, send a PM to Mr. Admin and he'll take care of you.
I always wanted to learn a bit but like usual these days…time availability. The people who used it during WW2 were great to watch. I marvelled at the speed they do it at and the smoothness of it. I think it’s like typing where once you put don’t the practice time, then it’ll go smooth and natural.
I don’t think it’s really worth learning now, especially just for use with a flashlight, but I thought the type of people who gather here might have learned it anyway. I was into ham radio as a kid, so I learned it then, though never really used it.
I can tx 27 WPM easy, rx 30-32
Yeah unless one has got the nostalgia bug with Morse. What I really want to learn these days is sign language. I think it’s just cool how one can communicate without speaking. Plus it’s quite in demand these days with all the pandemic announcements every day. So on my list of things to learn so far is…
1. Improve my typing speed
2. Learn some basic sign language
3. Learn a bit more Morse Code
Morse code let’s you communicate across the world with as little as 5 watts of power. It is in many ways the most advanced communication method.
Talking Morse code.
Single operator 4 radios in contest.
a long time ago in a galaxy far far away….
now, it is sort of like remembering how to drive using a clutch.
it would take a week or so to get smooth enough.
like any other code, repetition works wonders.
my niece is a speech therapist.
her sign language speed is superb.
she has taught me the rock-bottom basics.
which includes how to curse.
(similar to gang sign throwing)
I would expect a lot of answers like “what’s morse code?”
True story: my father had a cell phone years ago (may have been Nokia) with a month to month plan. Near the end of the month, when it was running low, it would play a little Morse code, as a reminder to re-up. When it first happened my father called them up to find out what the Morse code was all about. The kid who answered the phone didn’t know what he was talking about and thought he had some kind of nut case calling. He finally took it in to show them the Morse code “feature” and no one in the shop knew that phone would do that. Being a WWII radio operator and Ham, Dad knew what it was saying, but I forget the details now.
Also, at the end of Iron Butterfly Theme there is a little snatch of Morse code. Dad translated that for me once but I think it turns out to be nonsense.
The poll options seem a bit heavily weighted towards the ‘profivient’ end of the spectrum.
Sice there was no ‘Only SOS’ option I voted ‘No but kind of interested’, although I doubt I will ever actually make the time to learn.
Forsyth P. Jones is now...
Forsythe P. Jones!
Many moons ago I learned it long enough to pass a ham license but I never really got into it hardcore and can’t say I remember much. Every now and then I look at it and some comes back to me but I wouldn’t say I could easily use it without really studying over it again.
I hope he soon becomes Forsyther P. Jones