When I got up this morning to was –6 below zero. Now it is –10 below zero. As a young person these were typical December-January temps in my part of the world. I am not saying all of Dec-Jan it was below zero. But when it got really cold it was below zero. The first warm Christmas that I can remember was around 1983 or so and the temp was around 50 degrees. I could not believe it. People 25 and under did not get to experience cold midwest winters. Yes –20 below zero is a bit extreme but the range of 0 to –15 below is normal. After a week of below zero temps 35 degrees feels like a heat wave. A tropical heat wave.
My first year of college was at Brigham Young University (in Utah.)
It snowed for months on end, and I did not care for it at all.
I'm from California, and I don't do cold weather.
I forgot to mention but I like cold weather. I would choose 0 degrees anyday over 96 degrees and humid.
yeah, I don’t mind them. Just not all year round. My wife does NOT like cold. So that limits are winter activities. Lots of TV
I remember hearing that in California in the 1970’s some restaurants would place outside heaters when the temp was 50 degrees for guests eating on the patios. So I believe you racoon about not liking cold.
I don’t mind cold weather… change of temps can be nice. BUT… it’s when it’s perpetual cold, for weeks, even more than a month… THAT I hate with a passion.
The shorter duration of sunlight in the winter months is what drags me down.
That is flashlight season
So true.
I grew up just outside Washington DC, but didn’t appreciate cold until I went to the University of Wisconsin and discovered just how much fun it is to have a car when it is 20 below outside. (I used to bring the battery inside overnight). Then it was a decade in Chicago, and that point I had been through enough cold and snow and decided it was time to move to some place warmer. I spent 28 of the next 30 years in Phoenix, The other two years were in one place even hotter (Kuwait, as a civilian working for a local company) and in Far North Queensland Australia (the tropics). I now live in Pittsburgh, but I still don’t like either cold weather or snow…My thermometer says is now a nice warm –4 outside…
–24 when I went to work… didnt go above –15 here in chicago …

I forgot to mention but I like cold weather. I would choose 0 degrees anyday over 96 degrees and humid.
Me too. It was –19ºF when I took this picture Saturday morning. But it got up to 13ºF later on in the day.
I do like to see some change between seasons.
I don’t like extremes though.
I was born in Canada, lived there most of my first 35 years of life. We moved to north central New Mexico over 30 years ago. The two screenshots from this morning will help explain one of the reasons we moved, and will answer the question
“Do you like cold temperatures?”
Note the feels like –58 in the above image
all temperatures are in F. The –40 F shown is the same in Celcius; the main reason I did the screenshot. F and C meet at –40.

I forgot to mention but I like cold weather. I would choose 0 degrees anyday over 96 degrees and humid.
I agree that a humid 96 degrees is hard to take; another reason I like NM. When it does hit the 90’s the humidity is low, in the teens and 20-something%, sometimes in the single digits.

I do like to see some change between seasons.
I don’t like extremes though.
I was born in Canada, lived there most of my first 35 years of life. We moved to north central New Mexico over 30 years ago. The two screenshots from this morning will help explain one of the reasons we moved, and will answer the question
“Do you like cold temperatures?”
all temperatures are in F. The –40 F shown is the same in Celcius; the main reason I did the screenshot. F and C meet at –40.
Thanks for the post.
The scary part of all this is areas in the arctic regions current temp is 27 degrees Fahrenheit.
Don't mind the cold unless it goes on too long. That being said, 25C day and night is what I would prefer if I had a choice.

The scary part of all this is areas in the arctic regions current temp is 27 degrees Fahrenheit.
Scary indeed
If I see Old Man Winter, I’d want to shoot him in the face.
None of the outdoor cats came around to eat today, even. Put out a plate of even dry catfood and the wind gusts would just blow it away.
I like Goldilocks weather. Not too hot, not too cold, just right.
6°F here, unpleasant, btw the shortcut to type degree symbol is hold alt key and type 248 on the numerical keypad on the right of your keyboard
No keypad on a laptop, so I just use “°”.