I'm sad to report my Trustfire X9 was DOA. This thing is a great looking light, and it really broke my heart it's dead. So I cleaned and lubed everything real nice to no avail. I tried to test amperage without the tailcap and it's dead there as well. Upon taking it apart, all wires look nice and tight, so now I'm not really sure what to do.
Is there a cheap fix or drop in available? Anyone intersted buying the light for a big discount? Thanks for the ideas in advance!
Sorry to hear that. If I were you, I'd contact seller before I do anything. Maybe you can work something out with them. If not, Paypal or your credit card may still cover you.
get a nanjg 2.8 driver or the new 7135 drivers available at kaidomain and solder it in..it's not hard and i'm sure you or someone you know is capable of doing it..the driver is less than 5$..
Mine was dead also because of my fault. I tried it with two 16340 and both driver and led is dead. If only driver is dead then you are lucky. By changing just driver you can solve the problem. If led is also dead its impossible to find an xm-l led with 32mm board(i couldn't). i repaired the torch by using anew driver (suggested by Hkelite) and the led of Manafont XM-l dropin. Actually you can use any xm-l lead but, i already has the dropin. Just take a small xm-l board led and stick it at the back side of X9 led board. You have to grind the surrounding of the driver to make it fit to the driver seat of the X9. Good luck :)