I went to the doc the other day & he asked me what that was that hanging around my neck. It was my MIX6 gold light. I turned it on for him & he got so excited I thought he would pee himself. he had me take it off so he could handle it. he is about 65 & he began behaving like a 10 yr old. He then walked me straight to his desk clerk & had her go on line & order one of each flavor on the spot. he told me he wanted to carry a light but said they were either to big, or junk/or both or he would lose them. He already had a neck chain around his neck but did not know there was a light small enough (& nice enough) for neck carry. He said he would use primaries with it. It was a thrill seeing someone so excited over a flashlight. BTW, this was the first check up for me in over 35 years & all was well. It was a good day in the neighbor hood.
The Doc thought it was serious piece of gold. I wish all could have seen this guy. He actually lost his composure (forgot he is a doc LOL) for a bit. I don’t have a follow up appointment but I will call in about a month & see how he likes the light. He acted like a flashoholic in waiting. he is also a very nice man.
I was also at the doctors today. Sinus problems...
Funny thing, I have been at private doc´s for several years and been paying a pretty penny for just shoveling the instruments to my nose, plumming and hosing, getting a receipt and `atta boy, go get your medication -stuff. With zero help.
Today I was at public and met a pr0. Everything is now clearer, I know what´s going to happen next, no medications prescribed.
Going to scan first and getting a new, proper cut on sinuses. Wohoo!
-BTW: After that testicle case, I have always been keeping a light in my pocket when going to doctors ;)
My neighbor referred me to this doc. Instead of calling him I can just have her see if the light is hanging from his neck. I know it will be cause he was ‘stoked’!
It is a silver kind of braided chain (kinda nice) that my MIL got me about 30 years ago. Since I do auto body she hung a little tiny detail spray gun on it. The head of the light hangs just above my solar-plexus. The wife tells me gold & silver are tacky……….I said ‘well, I’m a tacky person’. Don’t even care if my socks match.
I think you are referencing my application of sweet oil when my Lab was constipated HaHa (he is doing great now)? My wife & I do take essential Omega oils, vegetable shortening ,in place of butter, Virgin Olive oil in place of Hydrogenated corn oil, MSM, Ascorbate (vit C), Magnesium, Rhodiola Rosea (Herb)Spirulina, Aminos, among others. Sounds like a lot but a few we take daily & others on a week, off a week (herbs). Been doing this for 40 years. The Doc was amazed upon checking my Lung’s/breathing when he discovered I have smoked for 48 years (I’m going E-Cig this fall). i just went to the Doc to shut everybody up (nag,nag,nag). My BIL’s dog is sick from constipation as I type. The vet took X-rays which showed no obstruction but $500 later the dog is still sick. My wife told her brother what I did for our dog & he said ‘that’s gross’. I even offered to do it for the dog but he refused (her bro, not the dog). He is afraid I might hurt the dog (hello, its dying). Poor dog can’t even move. He may last another day or so. Oh well, sad.