I found this light today, anybody heard about something, at least I could find nothing in the forum
Here is the link
I found this light today, anybody heard about something, at least I could find nothing in the forum
Here is the link
Most around here are a bit gun-shy, since it appears to be a clone of the SkyRay.
SkyRay is almost a curse word, as in "I just stepped in a big pile of SkyRay," or "learn how to drive, you dirty SkyRay ! "
Yes, to be more specific, at least one of our members has (had) a fried Penta XM-L Sky Ray. So I would avoid the Trustfire too, as it looks to be a clone of the Sky Ray. And I would especially avoid it from BlueLans, as they send shills over here to spam BLF all the time.
So you think it is a Sky Ray not a real Trustfire product. I never had a problem with a trustfire. I will avoid this torch
as soon as manafont sell the trustfire version ill buy it and reveiw it
How can we not get rid of sanseven? He is a blulans shill and this is a spam post from a blulans shill.
I want to know if shills have to take a rudimentary IQ test to get their job? I bet you that if they fail the test, they get the job.
mark his posts as spam and we will get rid of him sooner or later.
Oh I do, I just hope everyone else does too!
I just deleted Sanseven and all of his spam. Word to the wise: Avoid B l u e l a n s . c o m and all of their filthy business practices.
I am just a normal bloke from New Zealand who doesn't know anything about bluelans com.
Get a life people I am not a spammer. I own a 3xt6 trustfire and saw this add.
I am open for apologies.
Has anyone accused you Jorg? Who's paranoid? Lol
Chill, welcome.
I did accuse Jorg of spamming and I stand by that accusation because the same scenario always happens around any post sanseven responds to. He is dormant untill a blulan spammer makes a post then it is spam tag team. EVERY POST sanseven was involved in WAS SPAM and had links to blulan. If I am wrong…which is very unlikly, I will offer an apology post just for you Jorg to “restore” your reputation! Untill then I suppose you will either hate me and BLF or hang around and post something not spam and I will post my apology. I will hand it to blulans they do have better english than most spammers but you can still catch it if english is your native to tounge.
*until, *unlikely, *native tongue. No offence meant, but everyone makes mistakes, although not everyone is a spammer ;)
One of the few things that annoys me about BLF is the tendency to pick on non-native english speakers as spammers just based on their ability to post grammatically correct sentences..
Well i am typing on my phone and I dont proof read every post nor am i a professional writer. But i am a pretty good speller. If i had proof read i would have cought the extra L i typed which is a mistake i make when i dont look at the words as i type, and the missing E was obvious. Yes i even know where an apostrophe belongs but it is alot of trouble to make things perfect on a phone.
If you had read the content of my post it would have been clear that me calling Jorg a spammer was not based on his grammer or spelling. I will have to say though the spammers do usually have a typical style of writing that is generic and follow the writing style that the vendor websites follow so I would say observing the way a post is wrote is a legitimate clue in identifying spam post although should not be the only reason to call someone a spammer. We have quite a few eastern friends on here and as far as I know no one has called them spammers. Redforest UK, I have never really noticed anyones grammer being brought up to question them being a spammer but I could be wrong…but I would say I have read enough of the spam post to know Im quite sure no one has been wrongly accused.
everyone is spammer
as soon as manafont sell the trustfire version ill buy it and reveiw it
I just brought one, it was $8 usd cheaper then the bluelans one and its from a trusted seller.
As soon as it get,s here ill do a review and some long run time test, range test, current draw and i might even have to pull out the lux meter.
Hopefully everybody knows I am not a spammer. If I make a spelling mistake that is possible because German is my first language. You are more than invited to answer in German and I make the corrections like a school teacher. By the way I bought the new trustfire TR-J12 from DEAL EXTREME and hopefully get the thing earlier to New Zealand than you around the world. If you want I can write a non technical review mostly comparing it to other torches I own.
do want, thanks
Hopefully everybody knows I am not a spammer. If I make a spelling mistake that is possible because German is my first language. You are more than invited to answer in German and I make the corrections like a school teacher. By the way I bought the new trustfire TR-J12 from DEAL EXTREME and hopefully get the thing earlier to New Zealand than you around the world. If you want I can write a non technical review mostly comparing it to other torches I own.
+1 on the report