Found the link to Convoy’s selection of 519a and thinking of placing an order.
How do these compare in output to LH351D and SST20 in terms of output and lux? 30% brighter than 219B does not inspire much confidence considering how dim I find 219B to be.
How many amps can 519a take? Will they burn out if used in an 18650 light with FET driver and high-drain cell like VTC6? What about in a triple like an FW3A with Anduril 2 at max possible 150/150 FET?
I have a Sekonic C-800-U and I can take measurements for you. I don’t have my light at the moment (it’s out getting a new cerakote). Anyhow I de believe it is slightly warmer than 4000K. Probably 38000K from memory, but the tint is what I was mainly concerned with. Neutral to below DUV across the ramp range.
Thanks. I was just wondering what bin I have received from Hank, if MTN Electronics FA3 showed 3900+K, Simons FD2 3800+K and then Hanks was ~3700K and he told me it was FA3, which should be cooler.
The SST-20 is good for compact throwers, but for illumination and night photography the green tint at lower power levels means there are better options.
Comparing 219b sw45 and sw35 to the only sst20 I brought- a wurkkos wk02- the sst20 does seem to illuminate outdoors better. Better contrast between objects like trees and such with less eye strain. Sure it’s not as pretty indoors but I gotta say it does remain my favorite emitter for actual use. Looking forward to a couple 519a projects to compare that with later.
I used to like them, but since I don’t reflow my own, I’m at the mercy of manufacturers. I like my IF25A, but after the Wurkkos TS21, I don’t plan to buy any more SST-20s. I like the GT FC40, 519A, and B35AM way too much to risk getting more puke-green SST-20s.
I agree, the SST-20 4000K FB4 from Convoy is the best so far (edit: Of the LEDs I experimented with, I’ve only got the SST-20 in FB4, not in other tints such as FA3, FD2): the sw45k doesn’t give enough contrast between yellow/green in grass, i.e. not enough emphasis on green, soil is very dark, with the SST-20 soil is a bit brighter, yellow stands out more.
It is also better than the 519A 4500K (which looks more somewhere in the middle between sw45k and SST-20 4000K) which has same issues as the sw45k, just slightly less, and the 519A 4000K which has good contrast for yellow-green but soil is a bit too light brown, and it looks too yellow on tiles in the garden. The SST-20 doesn’t give this impression at all.
It looks good to me everywhere, not greenish, good colour rendition, everything looks more ‘pleasant’ with the SST-20 4000K than 519A 4500K and sw45k. The 519A 4000K (which appears warmer than the SST-20 400K FB4) is also ‘pleasant’ in use when it is dark but that light is not optimal outside in nature. The SST-20 4000K FB4 looks a bit yellowish on white walls as all 4000K light sources do, but that is not bad, and it is actually more pleasant in use when it is dark to have 4000K vs 4500K (the latter as in the sw45k).
So as I’ve not found the 519A to be able to replace the SST-20 4000K, which I wanted for the SC31pro as there using the SST-20 is risky depending on cell as it might burn out running on turbo:
I could disable turbo but perhaps another option is a triple. What do people use in S2+ triples? Does any supplier offer SST-20 triples that can fit in the SC31pro (18mm MCPCB would just fit)? Or would it be needed to file down a 20mm board? I saw one such 20mm board on Kaidomain, and what about optics?