Donation to Old-Lumnens (finished)

…aaaaaaannnnddd… The mail delivery driver showed up late yesterday evening, but I finally got the light!

…and then was in a hurry to leave this morning, so I forgot to bring it with me for photos… :weary:

I received the light in great condition, in a “BLF Special Edition” box. Opening the box, I found the packet with the kit, including two spare tailcaps, and replacement O-Ring.

The light itself underneath, was impeccable! Spotless, no dust, fingerprints, or imperfections to be seen on the reflector or coated ( :sunglasses: ) lens. The XP-L HI emitter, perfectly centered in that flawless reflector is a thing of beauty. The Anodizing and lettering (BLF Special Edition) were perfect. Mine did NOT have the Old-Lumens inscription, but I am 100% okay with that; I am a light user, not a light collector, and I would feel guilty carrying a limited O-L version…

All I had was my 3+year old Trustfire Protected cells, but I couldn’t resist, and dropped one in the light. The protected cells fit the tube perfectly, and I was greeted by a glowing blue tailcap. I then patiently waited until full darkness outside before powering the light on.

After watching Broken Arrow…

…and enjoying some homemade fajita chicken quesadillas, I was ready to check this light out.

The only other pocket throwers I’ve had are my older Romisen RC-G2 (somewhat modded, but severely under-driven; I should work on updating this light…) and my more recent Convoy S2 (full size model, 3A Qlite, deep SMO reflector, 1A XP-G2).

Vs. the S2, this light, with its larger reflector and FET driven XP-L HI, wins on power-on with a brighter hotspot. The hotspot is wide, and fades out irregularly, while the S2 has a much more defined central hotspot, with less spill due to the smaller emitter. Unfortunately (and I strongly suspect, due to my older 14500s), the output on the X5 drops off, quickly becoming dimmer than the S2 with its newer high-quality/high-capacity 18650 cell. This isn’t due to the Turbo drop-out either…

Bumping the modes (I think I counted seven?) this light goes from a moonlight/firefly low (I thought the light was powered off at first) to the blinding high. The low mode was especially interesting, as I was able to stare directly into the glowing emitter and examine it closely, without any discomfort. Even at this low level, the reflector gives a useable hotspot, providing your eyes are sufficiently night-acclimated.

Now, I need to buy a set of the high-drain cells and test this light out fo’ realz.

This is an awesome, light, it’s obvious no attention to detail was spared in the construction. Top-Shelf stuff here, great work Manker, and for an even better cause!

Thanks Tom E! My AWT 14500 cells came in today and they’ve all been tested and one was just tested in the Kronos. What I had in it was a windyfire 600mah. OK, so I need to get my light meter out, but to my eyes it definitely appears brighter.

BTW, I’ve been living with this tiny light since I received it and I really like it. If I could give it the UI of the TD06 where it comes on in turbo and a second click puts it into the lowest mode and ramps up it would easily become my EDC light. I keep it out of my wifes hands, but so far she seems happy with a C8 or the L2 since those are the lights that I leave out for her. Nothing shabby about them, but using my lights=cars comparison, she doesn’t need a dragster and that’s what the Kronos is IMO. If she used it I might be charging the battery every night.

This is my first FET light but I really like these dragsters of the flashlight world. But on Tuesday I have a FET drive C8 due to arrive (Thanks djburkes!) . I’m like a child on Christmas day with the anticipation; Tuesday can’t come soon enough. High drain 18650s (30Qs at djburkes suggestion) are all tested, charged, and just waiting. Yet another light that the wife won’t get her hands on. :slight_smile: It’ll be for my EDC Maxpedition Fatboy pack. I’m going to need to code my modded lights so that I know which is which. Many look the same (all C8s at this time). I better do it now while I know what their differences are. My present EDC C8 pack light is a Mountain dedomed light. I expect it to be put into mothballs; no fault of the light, it’s a fine light. Yet another light that the wife won’t get her hands on (smilie goes here, but if I do the text will be seen in strikeout) . She just needs light and won’t appreciate it.

Thanks Manker for your generous donation.
We loss Old-Lumens.

Thanks Manker. A shame I didn’t see this till today. Looking forward to the next cool light from Manker.


I use every day this very good flashlight at home.