It was like $6 on sale I think. I didn’t expect much just a C8 type light and I got it because it wasn’t a C8.
It came kind of loose, the threads were dry and The quality is nothing special. It does have a heck of a tight hot spot which makes this one of the best throwers I have ever seen. It is better than a C8 or small sun TY-13 or HD-2010.
So, if you want a budget C8 type light that has a tight hotspot and throws like a spot light, you could do worse that pick up one for $10 or whatever they are now.
It has glow in the dark o-ring, three modes, high, low and strobe. It has next mode memory like a UF C8 which sucks but at least you are only dealing with three modes instead of 5 like the C8. It also has a really nice clip which is a bonus.
That’s the uf-v3, is the reflector kind of odd with a tight little reflector around the emitter? If so, get a 2a - 2.5a driver and xp-g2 in it, it does this.
Unfortunately mine has a ringy beam. And i think my Jacob a60 is better, but i haven’t made a proper test. And maybe the Dongrui is better heatsinked, haven’t really tested that neither.
Might go out tonight and test it again.
Here's my beamshot thread with shots of this Dongrui. I like it better than the famous Ultra OK Super Tactics thrower.
EDIT - I still think the Jacob A60 is a better light. Heatsinking on the Jacob is definitely better. There's another thread on this Dongrui that shows the hollow pill.
Seems like there is a bit of luck in getting a tight hotspot. I had an older C8 that had a nice tight disk of light but the newer ones I’m getting are no where near as tight. The Dongrui is probably as focused as the best C8s.
It has a deep smooth reflector. My new C8 has a half orange peel and half smooth.
I like the Dongrui better than any C8 I have owned.
i just removed the next mode memory from mine, by soldering a 470k ohm resistor parallel to the capacitor. something like this: A60
after 3 seconds it starts in high mode.
also discovered that when removing the pill and then screwing it back again, if you tighten it too hard, the focus might shift and make the hotspot bigger and less intense. my testing on an inside wall 4m away gave me best results when tightening the pill very lightly. but then it was a bit loose and the hotspot became decentered. so i tightened it a bit more.
But it’s not putting more light down range like your XM-L throwers, which is why, after some persuading, I got a cousin to accept that you’ve got to deal with the large-headed XM-Ls for that impressive “day-ummmmm!” reaction. Then again, I nearly bought this same exact like just for the novelty.
I've got the same light; unfortunately, it has an odd-ball sized driver, but I was able to use a P60 pill to adapt it to accept standard 17mm drivers. It has a green XR-E emitter in it now with an overdriven Nanjg 105C set to two modes with a very tight hotspot. I may post this light for sale on here next week, but I've got somebody else on here who I've already promised first shot though...
You can do a resistor mod on the driver to remove the next mode memory, and have it start on high every time instead. There’s a thread about that somewhere. (I’m using my phone, so I’m not linking to it…)