My friend (OP,) you want too much. We live in a world of cheap prices, machine made products made in Chinese sweat shops. When you order from a Chinese company , its a one way transaction. There is no guarantee, no return policy, no satisfaction guarantee, no implied warranty. Nothing.
Your choice to buy it or not.
If you want all that, it does exist by a company called HDS systems. The light you paid $35 for will cost you $350.
I consider ordering from China is like self-insuring my warranties. It’s cheaper in the long run. For every dud, I get 9 good things at half the price I’d pay locally. Just consider the dud as part of the cost of getting things cheaper.
Yes, you can buy an HDS or Surefire, and get an expensive under-performing light with an incredible warranty. If warranties are your thing, then you’re stuck paying for them.
I’ve used PP disputes a few times, but only when I never received something. It’s a trivial dispute to win, in that case. I’ve never tried using it for warranty-type service. I figured it wouldn’t be worth the hassle with shipping and stuff like that. Is it easy?
To the OP- the evidence on blf seems to support your claims. I don’t own one but will stay weary as I have been recently browsing their site for a 14500 light…
Anything that arrives damaged, malfunctioning, missing parts, or not as described gets a dispute. That’s not a warranty issue. Warranty is a fall back if it fails outside of a dispute period.
If they don’t respond its a full refund, some will offer partial depending on issue but you won’t get anything if you don’t dispute.
NEVER send anything back without a prepaid return label (why pay for something they have to pay for?)
FTFY, why is it a problem if they black list your paypal? if you really want to order from them again you could use a different payment method or order from another seller.
And its not certain they will do that anyways.
buyer ’ Hey guys you sold me a broken light bulb’
seller ‘oh yea!?? here’s your money back asshole, gtfo and never come back’
buyer ‘ummm ok?’
So even if you got burned from them , you would buy again. Just under a different name? So what happens when you run out of names or run out of credit cards?
For a $35 light you want customer service, technical support, a return policy, a money back guarantee, etc. Not happening. I think you are living in LALA land.
You’re the one who suggested to continue buying from them after getting screwed… now to the point where they screw you multiple times? I’d take my refund and stay away.
Not expecting your purchased product to be complete and function as advertised is the type of ’ LALA land’ customers bad business LOVE
I’m referring to outright copies. In some cases I’ve seen manufacturers for various brands release those lights under their own name. Or other outright theft of intellectual property. I’m not saying that happened here, I’m inquiring. I don’t care if it’s inexpensive or typical behaviour in China. I don’t want to do business with those companies.
Does forget, in China they not only sell fake Apple products, they sell them in a fake Apple store. Copying LV and Prada handbags was done in the 90’s. They moved on to bigger and better now.
UTorch. Vaguely recall even their drivers said “MANKER” on them!
I even made repeated jokes when someone’d complain about Manker’s high prices, MAPs, refusal to offer coupons/discounts, etc., to not worry ’cause UTorch would come out with a cheaper copy in a few weeks. :smiling_imp: