Can we get some beam shots? I know those terralux modules arnt cheap edit they’ve come down a lot since the last time I looked at them a couple years ago
Tends toward floody with a soft hotspot. This Terralux module has been out for about ten years - so a bit outdated - and my runtime graphs show it's not very efficient. But it was an easy upgrade and relatively cheap.
If you want something newer, this is my purple fire-starter (link) from Adventure Sports (5K lumens). She's also pretty.
And she's a real hottie if you dare run her for 15min without setting the turbo-timer (via the DrJones Guppy2drv firmware).
Nice looking mag! I like little maglites but my wife likes em just like that. Keep meaning to make one she can keep in her car for a spare headlight or for to bludgeon those with nefarious intent.
Not that there is anything wrong with that, if you are in to it. I just don’t want “lola” there to get hurt because you get an unexpected surprise in the dark.