Back in 2011 Klarus introduced the XT20 It’s been upgraded three times from XM-L T6 up to XM-L2 U2.
Then Shadow came out with the TC750X followed by the BL20 bike light. Then Maxtoch DX21 in 26650 a few years later. On the Shadow TC750X I put a TC350 aluminum or TC500 stainless steel 2x18350 body tube.
Now we have the Amutorch TC750 with 18650 and 21700 tubes, SST40 or XPL HD in 4800K or 6500K tint. A little high claiming 3500 lumens SST40 and 2860 with XPL’s.
I like the style, their never roll away. Not a practical or tactical light but a fun light. Best for walking the dog and yes they can tail stand.
The BL20’s even took the Solarforce bezels. With these it was a double barrel assault flashlight.
I’ve got an old unmarked clone? of the Maxtoch?? (no name)
Single 26650 cell, 2 x sw, (End cap and side of head).
XM-L/2 LED’s from memory. Usual 5 way sw.
Use it most night putting garbage out and chasing Toadie’s
with a spade.
Well balanced.well made. never missed a beat in around 5yrs or more.
cost around $11/$13 AUD.
I remember they were talking about combination throw/spread at the time.
But never went anywhere that I know of.
By default, both LEDs are XML. I changed one for XPL-HI. The flashlight has a significantly longer afterglow. Both LEDs can be independently controlled at six levels. One or both of them can be lit. Power supply 1x18650, 2x18650, 4x16340 / 18350. The flashlight is great, I love it very much. Well worn in the pocket.
Yep. That’s the one. Great value for money
Even at today’s price. I reckon.
I reckon the head sizes individually would be too small to take advantage of the 50-2 though.
ONE advantage though. Would be an extension tube for 2 x 26650 cells though.
It’d still look and feel balanced with that head.