Hello everyone. Two days ago I logged into Amazon to re-purchase a couple of inexpensive LED flashlights. No, I never did get around to purchasing them. Instead I ended up, somehow, down a rabbit hole that led me to this site. Good grief! Who knew flashlights, their power sources, materials, lenses, LED technology, and build quality could be so fascinating. I’ve been reading about the (two?) group buy flashlights and would love to sign up for one or both. So hello to all of you, and thank you for this site and the apparently thousands of members of which it is comprised. Back to my rabbit hole.
Hello! Welcome aboard! You are gonna lose a huge amount of cash if you stay around! Better hide the wallet TEEHEE
Beam me up Scotty! (Star Trek reference)(also, Flashlight reference )
Welcome to BLF!
Welcome to BLF!
My wallet already feels lighter. Thanks for the welcome!
Welcome Ive had to go cold turkey for a week, the last month and a half left me in the dark.
Make yourself at home, Scotty!
Welcome to BLF neighbor Upstate SC (Greenville) here, just a few throwy beamshots away. This is an addictive hobby but no harm done except to your finances!
Group buy lights are always a great idea….
might i suggest instead of waiting for the new ones to finish >> go and buy the old ones if they are still available for sale .
the blf x6 , or blf A6 ,Blf 348 and others are great first lights for anyone.
This forum makes your budget light…
Hi Scotty, welcome from the West Georgia area. Hold on to your wallet!
And just so you know, there’s more than two special group buys. :money_mouth_face:
Welcome at BLF……This is the beginning of buying a lot of new flashlights:-)
Many, many years ago when we were just kids, my cousin Ronald got a flashlight for Christmas. Not too long after opening it, his mom noticed he had been missing long enough that she took off to find him. When she yelled out his name she heard Ronald yell back from inside of a closet with the door closed. She asked him why he closed himself in the closet and he replied, "I was looking for dark." Maybe not the brightest kid, but you gotta love his enthusiasm.
Looking for Dark……
That made me laugh, Hope it’s never found.
Welcome to BLF. Lights are Brighter here,
I came here around a year ago. Since then, I bought some dozens FLs + a few chargers + batteries.
Welcome to BLF, it never gets dark around here! :sunglasses:
Hi Scotty, just a reminder to go lightly on your purchase or your wallet will. I’ve gotten into flashlights years ago on another forum (before this site was created then years later registered here too) but I’ve never bought so many flashlights until recently when I came back into the flashlight world and saw these amazing deals in this forum. i.e., already ordered 3 S Mini (2 RG, 1 Polished) and here I am again looking at the rainbow versoin! Not to mention I also got some Jet II Pro making its way to my place and this is for the cr123 type only :person_facepalming: …………… Just pick a few flashlights for your basic needs then RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN away from this forum to save yourself and your wallet :smiling_imp:
Good luck resisting the temptations and welcome aboard sir
We keep on buying lights to have a brighter tomorrow
On the contrary, I hope you find dark everywhere! cause if there is no dark, why do you need a light?
Welcome to BLF!
I think I do that on some level almost on a daily basis. Looking for an opportunity to use whatever light I have….just to see….just to test….remind myself that it works….remind myself how impressive it is. I recently bought a Manker U21 just to look for deer out in a field behind our subdivision….just to let my kids see them. I spent $65 for a light that throws more than the rest I have….justified simply by wanting to watch for deer in a field…and I go out there almost every evening near dusk…just to see. And, even if I don’t see them, I stand there for a moment, waving that impressive beam across the field….just because.
It’s a sickness I tell ya….