DQG 18650 EDC--World's Smallest 18650 Flashlight

I figured out a way to get a decent shot of the head colour. Anyone else notice this on their black DQG?

Wow that sure is not black. The difference with my titanium one is not nearly that dramatic. Actually looks kind of cool… But I understand your disappointment.

I agree with your overall critique relic. Forgot to mention mine did not have either body o-ring installed. I put on both, along with fixing the head arrangement. I can forgive these quibbles on a pre-order first run unit, but I think you have a point on pricing. $35 might be a tad high.

If the whole light was that colour, I think I would be OK with it. It’s a little less obvious in hand, The shot seems to bring it out a bit more.
In any case, I’m going to ask Ric for a replacement head that is black.

Or a green tail? :stuck_out_tongue:

Got mine today, Ti color NW tint. Head ano is just a tiny tad lighter, tint is about on par with the neutral on my EagTacs. Did all the same o ring and lubing business as everyone.
For my first budget light, I’m impressed, would buy it again. Was a little worried that my protected 3100mah wouldn’t fit but they do :slight_smile:

Glad to hear it. Enjoy :slight_smile:

Ok, found a bad thing. That tail spring is bad, really bad, but luckily it was easy enough to remove and stretch out some, my longer cells smooshed it down so then the unprotected ones turned it into a DQG strobe…
Time to find a locally stocked feasible replacement, not waiting for another month of Sundays to get a spring…


Are you looking for a spring CONUS?

Would this work for you?



.15 for the spring and $3 for shipping :stuck_out_tongue:

Got mine today. Like it. Only "problem" is you need to turn head pretty much open to eliminate "push flash". And head is more glossy and lighter color.

No, mine came out nice 'n matt black:

But I really dig the head colour of your light, I agree in that would it be nice to have a matching tail .

True. Many twisties, especially on the budget end of things, have this issue. It can be annoying.

Here’s a few pics of mine:

Kind of hard to show the difference in finish, but you get the idea.

I like the flat black on yours djozz. Goes great with relics green head lol

Do you have (did you put) 2 O-rings on the threads on the body?

One of mine had zero O-rings there, and the other had only 1. After I made sure there were two O-rings, that “push flash” problem is much better.

Yes, I did put 2 black o-rings. And there is still 1 extra white and black one.

Still needs 3/4 turn to eliminate "push flash"

Sorry to hear that then :(… I wonder if thicker O-rings might help/work.

My 2 lights were really loose before I added the 2 O-rings, but after that they’re good. I still keep them in the boxes, and the only time I see that push flash is if I’ve only unscrewed the head slightly.

If that spring would work, I wonder if you called them and asked if they could reduce the shipping for 1-2 springs? $3 seems steep (understatement :slight_smile: )…

Yes I agree. It can be made to flash, but mine is not really worse than other similar twisties including my thrunite neutron 1C, for example.

edit: OK scratch that. Tried again. No flash. Must’ve been before I added the two black o-rings to the body. No flashing by pressing now.

Whoops. Tried again and it sure does flash when pressing on the head. Dangit. I’m not messing with it anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like it could be a winner, would be nifty if it would hold shape to use 123s or 16340s in a pinch. Just offset the shipping by ordering more stuff :slight_smile:

Do we actually know the voltage range for this? I don’t remember seeing that. I wonder if it could take 2x16340, would it be brighter?

EDIT: I am NOT suggesting anyone try this until we know for sure. I’ve PM’ed RIC.

Pretty sure there’s a post higher up about someone who tried two 123s and killed it, the driver is made for just one li-ion battery.