DQG Hobi XHP50 Mod

:slight_smile: Thanks.

I doubt people would want to pay what it actually costs, interesting now you mention it. I don’t usually but i’ll roughly add this one up…

DQG Hobi Ti - £35
Ti extension - £7
Brass extension - £5
Brass tube - £3
Glass - £1
Sinkpad £2
XHP50 - £5
MTN driver - £10
Graphite £1
Resin - £1
Sil wire & switch -£1
10180 cells - £4
Labour - £60 (my cheapest rate is £30pH)

So this little gem would cost at least £135 or $168 for me to build & sell to someone while not exactly getting rich during the process :cowboy_hat_face:

Did you miss my giveaway ? That light would be nearer £400 to make and sell :zipper_mouth_face: