I have been looking at these drivers over at mtn electronics. It got me thinking. I am wondering if the default firmware on these to drivers is the same? They use the same Atmel atiny13a MCU. I know the 101-AK-A1 does not have stars but if you bridge pin3 and pin4(ground) on the MCU together it gives you 3 modes just as if done by bridging star 3 to ground ring on the AK-47a. Is it possible to bridge pin 2 on MCU to pin4(ground) to get two modes. It is my understanding the pins correspond with stars.
Odds are pretty high that it will work.
I took a Nanjg 101 from Fasttech some months ago and it did behave exactly as a Nanjg 105C. I wanted 2 modes for a Convoy S3 and bridged Pin2 to GND, that did it. I also tested pulling Pin5 to GND and as expected that gave Lo-Hi-Strobe. So the 101 (4x7135) had the same firmware as 105C (8x7135) and AK47 (3x7135). As the stars are nothing but an electrical connection to certain pins of the Atmel, you can pull the pins to GND for the same effect.
Of course the 101 must have this firmware where the stars or pins can change the modes. There are Nanjgs with on-the-fly mode change, but I haven’t seen a 101 yet with that kind of firmware. thats why I think the ones RMM sells are still the same.
If you want to know for sure you can ask RMM in his sales thread. Mountain Electronics is his shop and I’m pretty sure he can confirm you the nature of the Nanjg 101 he sells.
Oh, and welcome to BLF
I was hoping that is the case. I want a 2 mode light driven at 1.4a and I don’t want to add or remove 7135 chips.
Yes, the Nanjg 101 is a very nice driver. It’s completely single sided, allowing a small spring and more space for the battery. Also no stars colliding with a retaining ring. The 1.4A is kind of a sweet spot of brightness-to-heat, allowing tube lights like the convoy S-series to stay on high w/o damaging, and it’s suitable for XP-G(2) as well. Happy modding.
I just flashed a customized STAR firmware on the Nanjg 101 and it works fine.
Does Nanjg 101-AK-A1 have mode memory? And how it works?
I am concerned that it has next mode memory because this guy states that in his review:
"microcontroller is write protected In three modes after power On - jump to the next mode
In three modes after power On - jump to the next mode.
Tried to short-circuit the driver when it is off. Does not help.
Problem not in the condenser.
If we consider that the microcontroller is write protected ... I do not recommend to buy..."