Dual Channel D4V2 Anduril Default Settings

I just received a Dual Channel D4V2 with 519A / W1 emitters. This is my first dual channel light and I’m running Anduril 2023_10_31 firmware. Needless to say, I’m uncertain how it’s currently setup from Hank, nor do I fully understand all the Dual channel options. So before I go exploring these settings, it’d be great to know the default settings as received as I’m very likely going to mess things up. I’d like to get back to my starting point until I find settings that I like. If anyone knows the defaults in the various channel / ramp config sections, please let me know. TIA

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Without the model number to reference, I’d guess you have the hank-emisar-2ch firmware (model number 0135), although the other candidates for your light have the same basic default configuration.

(slightly simplified)

// channel modes:
// * 0. channel 1 only
// * 1. channel 2 only
// * 2. both channels, tied together
// * 3. both channels, manual blend
// * 4. both channels, auto blend

…followed by the different AUX colours as “channels” that you can also enable.

To learn how to configure your channels, use the official manual: here

In addition, if you prefer a graphical UI chart: here
(look for “Channel Mode Config” in the top left part of the diagram)

(these are actually from a slightly newer version of the firmware, but the instructions for configuring your 2 channels is the same as for your version).

As an example, for your D4V2 with 519A / W1 emitters, my configuration choice would be to activate the two individual channels and deactivate the mix/blend channel modes. I.e.:

// * 0. channel 1 only <- ON
// * 1. channel 2 only <- ON
// * 2. both channels, tied together <- OFF
// * 3. both channels, manual blend <- OFF
// * 4. both channels, auto blend <- OFF

(I would also activate the red, green and white AUX LED colours as their own channel modes, but that’s just overdoing it :wink: )

Important note: With the release date 2023-10-31, your firmware dates from after @ToyKeeper significantly re-worked multi-channel handling. That means you should be careful with most sources on the internet (YouTube videos, blog posts, reddit posts etc.) that explain how to configure your channels. They are mostly out of date and are highly likely to confuse you. The safest way to remain unconfused is to trust the sources linked above.

In case you’re interested and want to know how to find the channel mode configuration yourself in the source code:

  • Find your light’s model number and the correct hex file for that model number: instructions
  • Go to the code repository
  • Navigate in the hw folder to the subfolder for the firmware version you have. E.g., if you have the “hank-emisar-2ch” firmware, navigate to hw/hank/emisar-2ch
  • Look in the file hwdef.h in that subfolder. Scroll down to // channel modes: where you’ll find a description of the channel modes for that firmware version
2 Thanks

It’s nice to see you, Gymbow!

Thank you for that info. I should have included the model #, which is 0273. (Edit: correct model # is 0135)

So if I want to include a mode that turns on both channels together, I would need to keep one of those other modes enabled. Is there any advantage to choose one over another?

Edit: Can someone explain the differences between the 50/50, Tint Ramp & Autotint channel modes?

Thanks Raccoon! I like your welcoming committee. :wink:

1 Thank

BTW, here’s a pic of my D4V2.

That is odd, the 0273 is a firmware for a single channel light with a boost driver. If that’s the case, then you don’t have a dual-channel light and what I wrote above doesn’t apply

Is it a new light? Did you get it from Hank’s website? What did you order?

My mistake, that was for my other D4V2. The dual channel version model # is 0135. Thanks for catching that.

OK, phew.

So, back to your questions…

Yes, that’s right.

With your W1s and 519As, I don’t think it makes much sense to use one of the blending modes – they’re usually for a light with warm and cold emitters of the same type. So I’d recommend the mode “both channels, tied together” if you want a mode with both on together.

" Both channels, tied together" means that the two channels ramp together. You use 1H to ramp up and 2H to ramp down, just like a single channel light – when you ramp down both channel 1 and channel 2 get dimmer, and when you ramp up then both channel 1 and channel 2 get brighter. There’s always a 50/50 mix of both channels.

" Both channels, manual blend" means that you can ramp between the two channels using 3H. This is so called “tint ramping” which is usually used when you have two temperatures of the same emitter on the different channels. Ramping between them means you can get any mix between channel 1 and channel 2, from 100/0 to 0/100. For example: One might have warm 2700K 519As on channel 1 and cold 5700K 519As on channel 2. Then one can ramp between only channel 1 emitters being on (light is 2700K) to only channel 2 emitters being on (light is 5700K) or stop anywhere in between for a mix (e.g. 3487K). Whatever mix you stop at can then be ramped brighter or dimmer with 1H/2H, keeping the same temperature mix.

“Both channels, auto blend” is also usually used when you have two temperatures of the same emitter on the different channels. This time, however, you can’t ramp between the emitters yourself, the light does it automatically as you ramp the brightness.

3 Thanks

Thanks so much for that very helpful information. With your help then, I set it up for channel 1 (W1), channel 2 (519A) and channel 3 (W1+519A in 50/50 mode). That allows me to have Throw or Flood or Throw+Flood with Turbo available to each.

One last question: Do I need to adjust the ceiling level? If yes, what would I set it to and on which channels?

The ceiling usually defaults to something sensible. AFAIK, the default is 130 for hanklights, which I think maps to the maximum level for each channel on your light. Turbo then blasts both channels at max if you have it activated (I think, you’ll need to try it). On my 2-channel flood/throw setup, I deactivate turbo because I always want one channel or the other but not both.

That sounds like a good setup. Enjoy your flood / throw combo.

Just FYI and in case your hanklight ordering finger is still twitching, I have a 2-channel flood/throw D4SV2, with exactly the emitters you chose, and also a 2-channel KR4 with 2700K and 5700K 519As for “tint-ramping”. The KR4 is also a whole lot of fun and I learned a lot about colour temperature with that light.


I do feel an itch, but gonna hold off for awhile and then see what’s next on my list of Hank lights. And thank you for all your help.

Thank You!
I could not find this info in the manual nor on the flowchart.
It really helped me understand the channel options on my Emisar D2.

Good info