Dumbed down build

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So how in the fudgey banana nut bread do I get the light out of this thing?!? I assume the Phillips screw stop rotation as it just nicks a lip. Pull that out and it is threaded in? Nothing to really grab hold of to twist. You guys are light fabbers…how the heck??

OK, that looks like the LED board (BLF acronym: “MCPCB”) to me. They’re not normally threaded in - usually just held in place by pressure against the optics, although some lights do have them held down with screws, like yours.

You will almost certainly need to unsolder the wires, either at the LED board or the driver board, because they almost always pass through small holes in the shelf that the LED board rests on.

If it’s absolutely stuck, it may be held down with thermal adhesive. In that case, if you can find something with a right-angled pointy tip, you might be able to lever it out, but no promises. Thermal adhesive isn’t meant to come off.

On a related note, have you bought some thermal paste for when you build your light? You’ll need it to ensure maximum heat transfer away from the LED. It only takes a tiny amount between the LED board and the shelf it rests on. It basically fills in any airspaces between the two, for maximum thermal conductivity.

Thank Phlo, I was trying to salvage the internals, but sounds not possible. I am aware of the thermal paste…more so from motherboards/CPU’s. I have done zero parts list purchasing other than the SS, Ti and brass. Until I’m sure on my internals, I can’t start the milling. After I experiment on what I’m feeling good about, then I’ll start slapping things together.

Just remove the screw, and desolder the leads on the LED MCPCB.

You can them replace it with a high CRI LED from Mtn Electronics.

Ahhh…gotcha. The led on one side and spring on other side are sandwiching the “pill”? Perhaps that pill is pressed/glued into place? Hence is refusal to budge.

It looks more like a shelf than a pill, so a fixed part of the head but yes, the LED MCPCB on the top and the driver on the back, the spring is attached to the underside of the driver. Does the MCPCB move at all in relation to the shelf? Even slightly? Even the tiniest bit of movement would indicate thermal paste rather than adhesive.

I think using the Thorfire as a host was a bad idea. I tried using heat…its glued/epoxied in….isn’t coming out. Interesting thing though, in 2015 a user here (unknown00101) did a review and I took a screen shot, it SHOULD have a brass ring with two indents for a c-clip removing plier. I doubt they changed the design…I question if this is a knockoff? This is a pretty big deal killer. Guess I’m ordering the Convoy as I was warned….ugh.

Note differences between mine and reviewed version…

Link to review

It’s not uncommon for host designs to be revised but i don’t know if that’s the case here, and the fact that it’s glued is annoying. I have no advice, i always lose against glue.
Great picture of Torch though, that’s so cool!

By cells do you mean batteries?

I’m sorry Marc, I meant 3 led instead of the single. I did speak with manufacturer just to make sure it’s not a knock off…they say it’s a revision/improvement…right. So I’m scrapping that one and trying again. For the record, VG15’s are no longer ideal for a host…