E-cig explosion on the news.

Well, I had a 14500 blow up and it sounded like a hand grenade going off. I won’t rehash the details because they’re here:

But I will say the inside casing took off like a bullet and cracked a full-size coffeemaker basically in half. Shattered it like it had been hit by a shotgun blast. Not the glass decanter. The plastic part of the coffee maker.

I’m not quite sure of the size of the battery in these ecig things, but even if it was 1/4 the size of a 14500, it could have made one heck of a bang. Notice in my case, the battery was NOT encased in anything. It was the battery sitting in a charger.

I’m not taking the woman’s side, just saying that an explosion is possible. Unless you have had one of these batteries go off in your house, you have no idea of the size of the explosion. Like a similarly sized piece of C4.

Lithium-Cobalt chemistry is for long discharge cycles at very low currents.

Put one in a flashlight and you can expect the results you mentioned.

Not what we’re discussing here…


First of all an e-cig can explode. The battery vents causing pressure to build up inside and the casing explodes outward with the force of whatever pressure has built up inside of it. Same way you can make a pressure cooker explode if you plug all the vent holes and keep it on the stove too long. Boom explosion.

Both big tobacco and big pharma have both been actively lobbying to get rid of e-cigs. Who produces the nicotine and 95% of all the devices? China does. How does big pharma lose out? China is producing a product that has been used by millions of people successfully instead of their drugs and gum and patches etc. Furthermore you are under the false assumption that all people who use e-cigs continue to use them. Many do not. For instance I smoked for 25 years and then started vaping I then quit that as well. There are many people who use them and never look back. Some continue to vape some quit altogether. But for now all of them cease to be a revenue stream for Big Pharma/Tobacco companies and the tax man as well. For now anyway.

If you are really interested in getting all the facts head over to ECF there is a ton of information about the lobbying efforts put on by big Pharma and the Tobacco giants and more on exploding e-cigs as well.

This is probably also available somewhere not paywalled:

“China’s E-Cigarette Boom Lacks Oversight for Safety
Almost all of the world’s e-cigarettes are made without oversight, and experts say flawed manufacturing could account for some of the hazards seen in the devices.”

ah, here’s another copy:

I’m surprised we haven’t seen more explosions with the meteoric rise of ecigs and how common the cheap cells batteries are.

Government oversight works to some degree but a lot of times industry captures the government body. They then have the force of the law to protect their interests so that you and I can do little about it.

What works better is to let industry come together, write standards, and then people pick what’s best for themselves. The IETF is an excellent example of this. While this is not perfect at least the “regulated” industry doesn’t have the might of the government to force people to do what they want. Look at what’s happening with Uber and Lyft. The embedded taxi monopolies are using the government to drive up prices and protect their monopoly while shutting down Uber and Lyft.

Nothing is perfect though but I just see this as a better choice.

I believe it’s a repost…talked ad naseum on ECF…thing from the picture

Look closely at the picture above…just like our flashlights w/ straight thru charging ports…5vdc in on a 4.2vdc max charge voltage (standard Li Ion charging voltage)…leave it there a while and guess what happens after the battery saturates and completes it’s charge?

These batteries don’t have charging intelligence…the charger it plugs into controls the shutoff…some chargers are straight thru 5vdc USB voltage thus keeps feeding the battery until it vents

P.S. Posted: 5:29 p.m. Monday, Sept. 2, 2013 is the original date of the report…been a while

i doubt the explosion “shook the house”
it may make a good pop.
that looks like one of those cheap n nasty things you see in the flea market for 9.99 kit.
the whateverfire of the e cig world.

thats why i dont smoke,

even if its electronic ones.

If I could go back in time and kick my own butt for ever contemplating starting I would…and I would buy some Microsoft and Google stock too of course ; but the not ever starting smoking is the BEST thing anyone can do…

Almost 20 years a smoker, haven’t touched a stinky since I started vaping (Aug 1 2014) and I fell 1000x better (and saving quite a bit of money for spending of flashlights to boot :slight_smile: )

I actually tried a couple times out of curiosity but I was never into it, not sure why but pretty much a good thing to keep myself healthy.

But I guess its better off vaping than smoking which is bad for health.