I call bs. Because she had it plugged into a USB, its obviously a small battery, standard or maybe ego sized. Those batteries do not explode. They aren’t sealed off well enough to do so. There also is no where near enough energy there for the huge boom she heard, even if it was perfectly sealed
Is that really how they’re pushing these things nowadays? Crap and I just took up running and drinking more water with my intentions of getting healthy…looks like they fooled me!
[edit] I realize for traditional smokers switch to e-ciggys means less chemicals, so from that standpoint I suppose that’s getting healthi-er…
Explode…eh thats up to interpretation, but explosively vent, that’s what happens to li-ion cells.
The fact that its plugged into a USB socket doesn’t mean too much, as all the explosive energy is coming from the battery. If the charger is defective and supplying too much voltage for the cell, its very very likely for this kind of thing to happen to an unprotected battery.
Oh I know mishandling lithium ion batteries is dangerous. But for an explosion you need a build up of pressure then a sudden release. I’ve seen those little bats go out, they get real hot, puff some smoke, and smell nasty but they don’t explode. They can’t as there’s no where for pressure to build up
Edit: remember the guy in Florida a few years back, nearly blew his face off? That was stacked batteries in a sealed mod. He was essentially vaping a pipe bomb.
Beg to differ, they can explode. I have seen single batteries explode. She is exaggerating because it's her 15 seconds of fame, but I have seen both Li-ions pop and Nimhs pop and the Li-ions were much worse. If the cell was not produced correctly (Chinese made), it could very well produce too much pressure. They don't have to meet stringent guidelines there, all they have to do is say they meet them.
Haven’t had a Marlboro in 60 days thanks to reading about ecigs here! Got my wife down to a few a day! Much easier to quit for me with the ecig.
I have the same ecig the lady shows and can see how it could vent out the front. Could have gotten wet… Invite her to the house for dinner, nah, probably slip and fall on the rug and dinner was free.
Took apart a logic throw away a few weeks ago. Metal was very heavy duty and hard to cut. Nice blue LED in there! Blinks at low voltage and imagine protection circuit in there but anything can fail. Loved the taste of the Logic but it doesn’t last long but worked in a pinch when I forgot my exigencies at home.
This unit activate as you inhale. Notice cotton I pulled off that holds the liquid. Non-rechargeable throw away. $6 (Waste as battery and burners could last much longer)
No, but I do remember a friend from High School who put a couple of boxes of match heads (carefully snippped off each one) into a steel pipe, then took a wood dowel to pack them in so he could add more…
He blew off both his feet & changed his name to “Neil”.
See how a horrific fact combined with an irrelevant comment can change the tone of a story?
That, to me is the “Breitbart” blog, in a nutshell.
It’s about not smoking and yes for smokers it does mean getting more healthy. Not for non-smokers though. People who have smoked for decades and who have tried to quit multiple times have found that using an electronic cigarette is the only thing that works for them. Not the drugs, not the gum and not the patches. Cigarettes are seriously addictive and anything that helps them break that addiction is a good thing. Even if they remain using e-cigs it’s still a much healthier alternative. There are about 5,000 less chemicals in an e-cig which is basically just water, flavorings and sometimes nicotine. They were marketed from the very start as an aid to quit smoking and most people use them for that exact purpose. Although there are people who start using them who never smoked but again if the alternative was that they would have started smoking they are still better off.
Better yet of course just to never smoke in the first place.
Uh… Not according to the people who invented the technology . They fully charged a large one, then placed it in a Dead Short — a low-resistance electrical connection directly between positive and negative poles, just to watch it die.
Want to know what ACTUALLY happened, not what some … nevermind. Y’all won’t go get the facts because they’re not exciting and don’t hate what you’ve been told to hate. If you refuse the rest of the facts, at LEAST go to page 21-22 to see the ADHD-compatible summary of what happened when they tested Lithium Ion rechargeable batteries to destruction.
Uh… In case you haven’t found any FACTS yet, let me clue you in:
This entire story is what Norman Schwartzkopf calls “Bovine Scatology”. What y’all have is an ignorant poor woman trying to find an excuse in the unrestricted BS (“unprotected cells” … “vent with flames” … “explosive energy” ooooooooh!) about scary new things, to gin up a fat lawsuit of her own.
It BREAKS and stops producing voltage. TRY IT. Every tiny component will sacrifice itself a long time before the current rises to a dangerous level. Sorry.
Again, that term doesn’t mean what you think it does.
Far more dangerous, I think, is an uprotected BLOG. Breitbart, for example. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to adequately explain how to spot bullshit coming and successfully keep it out of your head…
I enjoy discussing real things with thoughtful people. As for this story and thread, I know how to get to the farm if I need more BS.
I’m ordering more e-ciggies and juice (for SWMBO) before the nattering nabobs of nonsense take over and drive the prices up!
I think the woman is exaggerating but I can fully understand her being freaked out. A lot of people will not charge them unless they are in a special fireproof bag. These do have a mosfet and protection circuit but a cheap e-cig is like a cheap #$#@fire battery. Don’t bet on the protection working. Would you risk your house to a less than one cent protection circuit? It looks like it vented and blew through the bottom cap.
What is funny is that the e-cig community pitched a fit over non-vented mods years ago and now you will hardly ever find a Personal Vaporizer that takes batteries like 18650’s that doesn’t have vent holes. China did that on demand from e-cig users without any need from government to step in and tell them. That includes e-cigs that use protected batteries with single cells. Which are a lot safer than what many of us do with stacked batteries and no vent holes on our flashlights.
E-cig users seem to be taking battery safety more seriously than flashlight users from what I have seen. They are almost fanatical about it on ECF (electronic cigarette forum) which is a huge place by the way. For many e-cig users it’s not just about keeping people safe but keeping the government out of e-cigs. They hate these stories because they are afraid the government will step in and ban them. It’s not like they are not looking for an excuse. E-cigs are cutting into big tobacco and big pharma territory and they have been lobbying from the start to get rid of them and have had success in some places.
That’s funny! I am seriously considering TAKING UP VAPING, just to piss off the anti-smokers!
PS: THANK YOU for taking the time to produce FACTS for this conversation!!! Trust me, on this Forum, I’m not the only one thinking that, just the first to actually mention it.
Why all the hate? Because vaping is an excellent delivery mechanism for a panoply of useful drugs!! And some hated ones, like Cocaine and THC. Can’t stand needles? Can’t tolerate sublinguals? Vape your dose for instant relief! Guess what? It works for Demon Rum too!!! You just have to adjust the heat.
Welcome to the 21st Century, y’all. I hope we can evolve past all the xenophobic hate. Or extirpate ourselves “for the Greater Good”.
But haters just gotta hate, so down in the mud we go.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I have first hand experience with an unprotected (yes, as in lacking a protection circuit) Li-co 14500 sized cell venting out quite violently. Like I said, “explosion” may be an overstatement, but to someone who doesn’t know whats happening it sure is scary.
And if you don’t believe there’s explosive energy in li-ion batteries, well…if seeing helps believing go check out some youtube videos:
“Big Tobacco” loves the new market for their product. Who do you think produces the nicotine in the “Vape Juice”?? The Teamsters probably do hate it, since juice takes much smaller trucks to ship than rolled leaf. Plus, it takes a long time to develop a new flavor! SWMBO develops new flavors INTERACTIVELY as she refills her little chambers with juice mixes!
“Big Pharma” has just been handed the fastest, most kid-friendly Route to get their drugs into people’s blood. How many doctors do you know who would NOT want a “no needle” Route for kid drugs??
But you are Dead-Eye-Dickie on one key point:
This propaganda story is a counter-offensive in that War. Dimbo says, the only way we can assure our own safety is by “keeping the government out”!