-Everything you need (except driver) to build your own Eagle Eye X6 triple XP-L to blind yourself with:
Eagle Eye X6 CREE XM-L2 U2 1A/3C 5modes LED Flashlight from Banggood
Noctigon XP32 MCPCB & CREE XP-L V6 3C LEDs from Intl-outdoor
C10754_CUTE-3-SS-XM optic
Al triple heatsink adapter. See thread:
edit 4/20
Please keep in mind that this setup is not plug and play and does require some modification. MCPCB needs to be reduced in size and have a center hole drilled. You could also enlarge the host - either way works. The host is a functioning light, but will completely disassemble without any issues. I have already built another light with these exact parts. The obvious driver choice is a BLF 17DD FET driver but 7135 based 17mm drivers are also an option. RMM sells these 17mm FET drivers at Mountain Electronics or you can build your own.
All parts are new. Price is $60$50 shipped to your door in the US. -