which one would you guys get if they were the same price? could you guys tell me what the difference would be. is it that with the xml, it would be floodier, and the xpg2 would throw further? any other differences…run time, etc… which one would seem brighter?
Yeah, XM-L will be floodier, XP-G will throw better. Visually, I’d say XP-G will “look” brighter because of the brighter hotspot.
As for runtimes - it depends on current. 1.5A XP-G will run longer than XM-L at 2A, for example. On same current? Don’t know, sorry :shy: XP-G maybe?
Anyway, both light are great, for closeup jobs, I’d choose XM-L, if you want it to use outdoors too… XP-G for sure.
xpg for sure in light of that size, esp if you’re not losing brightness. and for the love of god get NW if you’re paying full price.
I agree xpg in a light this size suits my needs better as well
I’d be going for XP-G2 :bigsmile:
Do what I did…buy them both. Actually I liked the XM-L clicky series so much I bought them all…then I bought the whole XP-G Mini series. I am currently waiting for a D25C2 mini in XP-G2 to arrive.
Sounds like a good idea :bigsmile:
i think i may go with the xpg2 then. but if i was using it for someplace between 3-5 feet away, will the xpg2 still seem brighter?
From a couple of feet away the XM-L will fill the area with light.
I vote for the XML. I feel you guys are greatly under estimating this hard driven little XML light. On CR123 the XML clicky with easily throw a 100M. On an IMR, which I usually use, it throws about 175M. Its a very impressive light on IMR’s, and regular cr123’s too. I’ve done direct tests with a d25c XP-G twisty and also a BC10, which has a much bigger head. All on IMR’s, none could out throw the D25C XML clicky. They were all pretty even. Even on primaries the XPG twisty doesn’t beat it, though the BC10 does edge it out. But BC10 is about the best throwing single CR123 light available. But not only does the XML version really good for it’s size, it truly does put out a wall of light.
The reason for its good throw for the D25C XML clicky is its high output . 397L on CR123’s and 660L on an IMR with my testing. Selfbuilt even record higher numbers. It gets the job done with brute force. I own a Ti version and my brother owns a aluminum version. Both are driven this hard. Awesome little lights. I’m not doubting the new XP-G2 clicky is awesome too, I’m sure it is. But don’t under estimate the XML withe LED stereotyping. Once I first turned it on, my Ti instantly became my EDC.
hey rdrfronty do you have that trustfire mini? if so, how does that one compare to the d25c?
No I don’t own that one. I’ve fully tested the following little CR123 lights -
D25C clicky - XML
D25C twisty - XPG
BC10 - XPG
Mini X - XML
Mini - XPG
i1 - XML