I was playing Resident Evil 6 and saw the protagonist use this flashlight while running around the subway. I did a little search on Google and found this.
I keep a very similar model in my small tool bag. I think it was an Rx promo. It’s small enough to tuck away and forget. It’s better than no light but I’d never pay that more than a couple dollars for one.
These days a clip on cap light is probably a better way to go in terms of value/cost. (I seldom wear a cap but always keep a cap in each car/truck in case I get stuck in the sun.)
I brought one of those many years ago. I’m sure I have it somewhere.
It inspired me to make an ear mount that fits 1 AAA lights. Which is also around somewhere…
Maybe if it had a rechargeable battery it might be worthwhile.
Attached to a DQG IV, it has some potential. Currently, balance isn’t so good, especially when you start running but I only used some rubber bands to attach parts. Will try and mount the light to a pad that sits against the ear rather than in the ear.
Ok, I a gave up trying to keep it secure with these hooks. It just won’t stay on. So I started on a different method. I happened to come across a mobile phone headset in a bargain store which has a similar style to the one in the movie and made it into this:
Basically, ripped off the microphone portion, glued velcro pads to two discs (cut from a CD), cut up a pen to be the holder and glued it to one disc, glued the other disc to the earphone.