Ear mounted flashlight

I was playing Resident Evil 6 and saw the protagonist use this flashlight while running around the subway. I did a little search on Google and found this.


It seems that the promoters of the game gave away some of these during an event. Does anyone have one? If yes, is it good?

Meh... Someone gave me one as a gift a while back, it uses a 5mm LED so is not at all bright and the quality just sucks.

Hm. That’s too bad. I was hoping its good.

Thanks for your input scaru. :slight_smile:

Better than nothing when the zombies come..

I keep a very similar model in my small tool bag. I think it was an Rx promo. It’s small enough to tuck away and forget. It’s better than no light but I’d never pay that more than a couple dollars for one.

These days a clip on cap light is probably a better way to go in terms of value/cost. (I seldom wear a cap but always keep a cap in each car/truck in case I get stuck in the sun.)

Here I thought this would be awesome. Now I know why the characters in the game get attacked in the dark more often. LOL!

If you change the 5mm led with
this led that will become a 36 lumens ear mounted light.

I brought one of those many years ago. I’m sure I have it somewhere.
It inspired me to make an ear mount that fits 1 AAA lights. Which is also around somewhere…
Maybe if it had a rechargeable battery it might be worthwhile.

Would be interesting if it was also a bluetooth.

So just got delivery on one of these

Attached to a DQG IV, it has some potential. Currently, balance isn’t so good, especially when you start running but I only used some rubber bands to attach parts. Will try and mount the light to a pad that sits against the ear rather than in the ear.

The green flashlight is very cool.I love that light.

Are you related to panthervision23? :)

Ok, I a gave up trying to keep it secure with these hooks. It just won’t stay on. So I started on a different method. I happened to come across a mobile phone headset in a bargain store which has a similar style to the one in the movie and made it into this:

Basically, ripped off the microphone portion, glued velcro pads to two discs (cut from a CD), cut up a pen to be the holder and glued it to one disc, glued the other disc to the earphone.

Very nice! :beer:
I’ve looked at those particular ear loop headsets and wondered if how it would work as a flashlight holder.