eBay 25% off [USA Only, and maybe Canada?]

I guess you also missed the part where they broke out PayPal again on its own. There are lots of things to not like about how eBay is currently operating. The use of PayPal was not one of them for me. I use it for all my online shopping, when it’s available as a form of payment.

The proliferation of junk is one of the things I don’t like. But it’s not strictly eBay’s fault. They aren’t the seller, just the platform. Besides, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure! Who are we to decide what eBay should allow for sale on their site?

One thing they could do is limit the number of concurrent sales of the same item from the same seller at the same price. It’s far too often that I have to wade through three or more pages of the same exact listing, cloned over and over to increase sales for one vendor. They did introduce a “grouping” thing to reduce the appearance of that clutter to the buyer. But it doesn’t seem to be very fine grained. Or at least I personally haven’t figured out how to eliminate clones while showing at least one listing from each vendor.

Just ordered twoThorfire TG06S flashlights on eBay. With the 7% discount (for 2+ items) the cost was $16.72. Best deal I have ever seen for this flashlight. Delivery will take about 11 days.

Output in lumins
Runtime (hrs + min)
Dimensions Weight
Reflect Comments
~ 5500 K
14500: 500 (0+35) 200 (1+15) 50 (3+00) 1 (72+00)
Ni-MH: 150 (0+55) 80 (8+00) 20 (8+00) 0.5 (120+00)
Double tap to activate strobe.
96 20 37 SMO No memory. Always starts in High.
Alum alloy body. IPX-8.
No noticeable PWM.


The TG06S flashlights I received (from seller (autocaredepot) are fakes.

  • They have the modes: High, Medium, Low, Strobe and SOS - INLINE. Whereas, the modes in a real TG06S have the modes High, Med, Low, MoonLight; and double tap to access Strobe.
  • There should be NO memory versus next-mode memory found with these.
  • These flashlights are not even close to 500 lumens in High as with a real TG06S, and they have a cool white emitter (with a greenish tint) versus warm white, as they should.
  • Grinding occurs while screwing head to body.

But appearance wise, they are similar to the real thing. I apologize if I misled anyone into buy these flashlights. I am attempting to return them.

ebay is NOT what it used to be
be aware and take care.

I find bargains on eBay quite frequently.

If eBay has the lowest price, and the seller has good feedback, I don't see why not.