I got notified from ebay that they are letting go of paypal and that their policies on buyer protection will be changing. Sounds like buyers just took a step back. I imagine there will be a lot of change in paypal and in their buyer protection as well. I'm getting too old and jaded, but I know change is never good, except for the few that made the change happen.
They must think they can provide similar services cheaper. I read that the same thing happened with AliExpress and PayPal at one time.
Except that PayPal is until now part of eBay, unlike Aliexpress.
As the message says, they will soon be separate companies (referring to eBay and PayPal).
Almost without exception when they make something improved it ends up more expensive and worse than before. TV programs we like are discontinued and replaced with trash. So I suspect it will be with the parting of eBay and PayPal. If it ’aint broke, don’t fix it.
I would love to see ebay add another method of payment. Particularly Amazon’s payment service! Give paypal some real competition and just maybe they will screw people slightly less.
They’re just being more clever about finding new ways to s$$$ y$$.
They are separating so that paypal might be acquired by another company, most likely Alibaba or Google.
PayPal revised policies and new charges.
Now they can call you, text you about third party crap! |(
How is google wallet doing? I am starting to dislike PP
And that’s whether or not you agree to it, you’ll be being spammed, no opt-out.
The only way out is to quit PP before the date they specified. June 1st? I think.
I have been getting Daily emails from them, since they started this crap. Advertisements on a daily basis.
Is this a global thing, cos as a pp user in the Uk, i have not recieved any emails about this?
We all hate it whenever things change
As distasteful as dogs with the mange
If there's one thing we know
The old ways always go
And our plans we must oft rearrange
You mean "Life, deal with it or get out"?
I need a poem for grumpy old men, of which I am proud to be one.
They all say I'm a grumpy old man
Though it wasn't in my master plan
I can't see or hear
I've got lead in my rear
Of this old age thing I'm not a fan
To the doctor I go for a scan
And for breakfast I have to eat bran
Now my memory's shot
But the worst of my lot
Now I can't even drive my sedan
So I spend lots of time in the can
I'm near over before I began
But believe me it's true
It might happen to you
If you're granted a lengthy life span
Not at all. You can thank Carl Icahn and the corporate raiders. They believe PayPal will be worth money as a separate entity from eBay. In other words the decision is driven 100% by greed, so we can expect both worse service, and higher costs when the smoke clear. Got to keep the stockholders happy…
There may be some hope for ebay. In the past they have refused to permit any payment system with lower fees than PayPal to be ‘approved’. The only people who do better are those that have their own merchant agreements with Visa/MC/AMEX/Discover. I
Be careful what you wish for Justin. Or you could just reread How the Grinch stole Christmas and stop at mt Krumpet.