Icon Rogue 1 AA (or rechargeable AA or 14500 — see notes)
Gray, $5.95, free ship CONUS: http://www.ebay.com/itm/261478827951
Green, $6.95, free ship CONUS: http://www.ebay.com/itm/251791857703
Icon has been out of business for a while, so these are probably the end of the tail. Don’t expect a warranty.
However, for 6 or 7 bucks, these are really nice lights. Not very bright (H/L), but no blinkies. Very well machined. Just over 1” in diameter, 4.5” long, so a bit bigger than a typical AA light. Forward clickie, which isn’t my personal fave, but whatcha-gonna-do?
It has an interesting regulation circuit that got some panties twisted over in the other place… basically, it runs on high for 10 minutes and then steps down a bit. If you turn it on and off after it steps down, it starts the bright cycle all over again.
Among the downsides that I’ve been able to figure out:
- tint lottery — one of mine is sorta NW, other is COOL
- no tailstanding
- everything seems to be glued to within an inch of its life, so no easy mods/swaps. (I have heard of people boiling these sorts of things in bags, but that seems to melt more parts than it releases, so I’m not doing it.)
- threads are anodized, so if your battery is a little longer than a typical AA, you don’t get continuity. I threw a loop of solder wick in there to make contact for both eneloops and protected 14500s. The head doesn’t screw down perfectly tight (1/16” gap) when you have a longer battery in there, but there are enough threads engaged for it to be solid. Waterproofness might suffer.
The seller I linked did actually ship pretty quick, but that might be the ~50 mile distance between us.
If I was giving these as gifts, I’d strip the anodizing from the threads so people could use rechargeables without messing around.