Ebay Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

Ebay deal alerts and discussion thread. Can be used for when you have an Ebay related matter you wish to discuss, but don't want to create a whole stand alone thread.

Can be used for the separate discussion thread requirement of the The BLF Deal Alert Thread for Ebay related postings.

Here are a couple more specific Ebay Deal Alert threads:

deal alerts: @ ebay, all flashlights below $5

deal alerts: @ ebay, all flashlights below $10

$139.97 shipped. Link in pic.

I got one from this same vendor. Arrived in a couple days (From Chicago) in perfect shape. Definitely, my favorite unmoddified outdoor light.

There is some info on this light here.

Anyone pick up one of these yet? Appear to be longer than a SRK. So far, they seem to all be bid only and are going to high for my taste.

EDIT: I see the same vendor also sells the above light as "buy it now" for about $57.

Wow, never seen it before! And I thought WOW only $20, but then I realized it was through bidding.

They’re selling for $50+.

Oh wow. They finally made a better looking light than the sky ray king but they really messed up the head design. Then they went overboard with a red anodized head.

I dunno… private listings plus auctions equal bad news in my book. I can’t imagine any legit reason for the listing to be private, and I can see all kinds of potential for shill bidding.

The front half of the light comes from a 9x xml t6 solarstorm bike light called the xt90. Then this whole light is labeled as a sky ray king which was one of blackshadows first lights they made. Strange frankenstein mix there.


Here is the middle front half as a bike light with a different machined front bezel with gold anodizing.


This light looks nice

NItefighter, says XML2, but pic shows XML.

price is $12.95, shipping is $4.50 so total is $17.50

Icon Rogue 1 AA (or rechargeable AA or 14500 — see notes)

Gray, $5.95, free ship CONUS: http://www.ebay.com/itm/261478827951
Green, $6.95, free ship CONUS: http://www.ebay.com/itm/251791857703

Icon has been out of business for a while, so these are probably the end of the tail. Don’t expect a warranty.

However, for 6 or 7 bucks, these are really nice lights. Not very bright (H/L), but no blinkies. Very well machined. Just over 1” in diameter, 4.5” long, so a bit bigger than a typical AA light. Forward clickie, which isn’t my personal fave, but whatcha-gonna-do?

It has an interesting regulation circuit that got some panties twisted over in the other place… basically, it runs on high for 10 minutes and then steps down a bit. If you turn it on and off after it steps down, it starts the bright cycle all over again.

Among the downsides that I’ve been able to figure out:

- tint lottery — one of mine is sorta NW, other is COOL

- no tailstanding

- everything seems to be glued to within an inch of its life, so no easy mods/swaps. (I have heard of people boiling these sorts of things in bags, but that seems to melt more parts than it releases, so I’m not doing it.)

  • threads are anodized, so if your battery is a little longer than a typical AA, you don’t get continuity. I threw a loop of solder wick in there to make contact for both eneloops and protected 14500s. The head doesn’t screw down perfectly tight (1/16” gap) when you have a longer battery in there, but there are enough threads engaged for it to be solid. Waterproofness might suffer.

The seller I linked did actually ship pretty quick, but that might be the ~50 mile distance between us.

If I was giving these as gifts, I’d strip the anodizing from the threads so people could use rechargeables without messing around.

FWIW I think BLF has some experience with eBay sellers calle “brotherhuang”. I don’t recall whether the experiences were good or bad overall, but it might be worth searching to try and pin it down. A glance says negative, but I thought the consensus was positive at one point? Like I said, better do some research.

If there was going to be a good version of this light, it would quite possibly be the initial batch. Do you folks really want to wait to get onboard with this thing until it’s $35?

If you would use a credit card, you can get it for $12,95 within shippin on Aliexpress (same seller). One of feedbacks say, that it will come with a XM-L and not a XM-L2. Avaiiable in CW and WW.

Thanks for the heads up. I wouldn’t mind picking up a couple of ICON flashlights, but I think I’d need to gut and upgrade them. I Googled a little looking for driver pics. All the glue helps explain why I didn’t find anything.

Still, nice find!

I posted this in another thread, but decided to move it here as that thread was about another light. Not sure if it's a good deal, but it looks interesting. 5 26650's, 18 emitters, side switch. $40. Doesn't specify the head diameter and I know nothing about the vendor. Link in picture.

Those seem to go normally $110+ so I wouldn't be holding breath and really expect to receive 1 for $40.

Nice photoshop :D

If you check out the order history, as of right now it says 26 sold. BUT only 1 has sold at $40 and that was today. Whatever else they were, they sold for 7.99

Damn. Even though it's only like $2.22 per emitter (Hopefully, not XM-L L2 bin), I wasn't going to buy one. Now the intrigue has me too curious. The vendor seems to have legitimate history. Maybe the account was sold. I see the light is supposed to have 90mm head . :) Oh what the heck.

Ordered one.

So whats the deal with the photo shopped pic in Post 16?

I've been trying to get it, but I seem to be even thicker headed than normal tonight.