Hello, please join me in my quest to open up another realm in which we may speak of torches and EDC items that may we all rejoice in.
I joined can you guess who i am? Lol
I’m trying to figure it out as we speak. Many new faces I am meeting.
There are already some sizable facebook groups for flashlight purposes. Facebook works reasonably well for buying and selling items, as a way to advertise, and as a way to post glamour shots of new lights. It has replaced CPF Marketplace entirely. But due to the way facebook is structured, it doesn’t work very well for substantial discussions or projects. Threads generally don’t last more than a few days at most. Interaction there tends to be relatively shallow.
Also, due to the site’s “real names” policy, it’s hard to tell who anyone is because people aren’t allowed to use the names everyone knows them as.
Anyway, to get people interested, it may help to explain more about the group’s purpose. What is it about and how is it unique? What would draw someone to this group instead of one of the more established groups, like Flashlight Fanatics or Lumen Addicts?
Real name policy is not such a terrible thing. Having it anonymous keeps everyone opinions on an equal playing field. That way, ones reputation does not influence to extent it does on BLF and other forums.
I am not attempting to steal members from other groups but coexist with other major groups. I have made contact with larger groups and reputable members to show my respect and keep my intentions clear.
This group I have created is created with the intention of being a flashlight playground where one may use as a marketplace, information center, and reference point that will hopefully show how far we have come with our technology.
AFAIK, most forum members here don’t like facebook or any other social media network websites.
That is unfortunate because I believe social networking is a powerful tool to connect people instantly. Effortlessly sharing pictures and videos along with connecting with the ones you care truly helps bring people together.
I don’t look at it as sharing, more like giving to Mr Zuck and friends.
Guess we should stop shopping at walmart and stop using oil for our cars.
I don’t have the bookface
I fall into this group...
I use BLF as a social media site.
Though I am like you, the rest of the world, especially the younger generation think nothing of throwing every part of their personal life on there for all to see. The idea behind Facebook is good, the implementation of it sadly is terrible.
I’m with Raccoon.
My life is my own. NOT everybody elses.
Too much bumps.
Must like and share this post.
- Must subscribe on YouTube
See this is the problem that keeps coming up — people asking us to give too much information and reputation away permanently in order to have a one time chance of getting something.
What I “like” and “share” isn’t something I’ll give away in advance. It takes quite a while for me to publicly proclaim my liking.
AFAIK, most forum members here don’t like facebook or any other social media network websites.
i mean facebook is OKAY… the same way a telephone is “really cool”.
but… if you want to “just talk” more than a certain period of time? lets go out for food and coffee, you know?
That is unfortunate because I believe social networking is a powerful tool to connect people instantly. Effortlessly sharing pictures and videos along with connecting with the ones you care truly helps bring people together.
all i hear? is “blahblahblah ”i am a people person” blahblahblah”
me? i LOVED the internet… that is, the “REAL” internet. back when i started at “top level gopher server” out of Minnesota? instead of yahoo crap.
i was SOOOOOOO excited when the “WEB” got put on top? heck, it was gonna be a RUSH to see “real electroniocs schematics” instead of ASCII schematics…
what did i get instead?? a gigantic mail order catalog (which is cool) and free porn (also cool)
my MOMused to sit around most of the day when i was a wee kid? phone in one hand, soap operas on TV. hey, MOM was a regular woman, you know?
MOM would have loved growing up with FACEBOOK…
now my DAD? well, DAD worked in the STEEL MILL. he went to work even when sick, hurt, or even thru vacations… because he had literally worked about every job there. and if he wasn’t there? someone might actually get hurt or even killed (new guy on crane? ouchie) or the LINE might get shut down.
i’m “pretty sure” DAD might have been on a “steel making forum”? and would not have “facebooked” more than about 30 seconds a day, LMAO
don’t know how long i have left on this earth and really don’t care? i know this though… when someone later on ever goes and looks “what did i ever accomplish”?
it sure aint gonna be “wellllllll, he was really popular on facebook”
I just tried to log into a Chinese flashlight source, and got this:
You previously turned off platform apps, websites and plugins. To use this feature, you need to turn them back on, which also resets your Apps Others Use settings to their default settings. Learn More
It’s a Facebook tell us all about yourself forever firewall thing. Dagnabbit. They want to be in the middle of every transaction.