EDC Containment Command Center (E.D.C.C.C.C.)

The E.D.C.C.C.C…sounds official…huh? Didn’t know what else to call it…lol. Just my way of describing a central location/unit for storing items.

With that in mind…what do you guys use to store/organize your EDC items? I’m tired of the flashlight falling off the counter in to the dog bowl, and really tired of hearing my wife tell me to get my crap outta her kitchen. Just kiddin’…she’s a pretty cool chick and digs my idiosyncracies.

Seriously though…how do you store your gear without it gettin’ strewn everywhere? Is there a handy storage type device (no…not a drawer…lol) that would still give easy access to keys, billfold, light, knife, watch and other EDC items? What do you use?

Here at work I utilize the M.E.D.C.C.C.C.(aka car trunk). You guessed it, the M stands for Mobile.

My dresser has my stuff on it .

She is not allowed to mess with it . Her gewgaws are all over the house , so I had to have a place for mine .

So I got the dresser .

Sanctuary .

I’m thinking something that you would be able to use the clips on your EDC items and attach it to the E.D.C.C.C.C.

Not that all EDC items have clips, but something you could attach those items to…IDK…just trying to think about what would be practical.

You obviously haven’t seen my trunk…aka…the black hole.

Basically I keep most of my flashlight stuff in two big clear plastic boxes under my four post bed. I sleep easier just knowing they’re there. Inside those boxes there’s more boxes; for lights, batts, chargers, parts, etc… I also have a rapid deployment/testing area right behind my recliner. It’s a bookshelf with 2 to 5 flashlights at any given time. But the way things are going, I might consider getting a cargo container in the future. :wink:

On the wall just inside the front door is a set of 5 bronze hooks(all one piece) that get keys, lights, knife, and alternate lights.

Top of the left speaker is mine ...it's a pretty big speaker ....and it's mine ....all mine ....


I recently started storing all my knives, MTs, and flashlights in a few Pelican 1600s. You can get them for around $150 online. That seems expensive at first, but when you think of the total value of all the stuff you own, especially if you have too much of it, it really isn’t. I know some of us have single items that we paid more than $150 for, so…

Of course you then have to find a place store huge plastic boxes, but at least everything is organized and contained in one spot. Besides the expense, the only other real downside is that your stuff will no longer be on display. In my case, Mrs. Cone does not see that as a downside. So much so that she was the one who finally convinced me to stop being cheap and buy the boxes.

Here is a video on it. Not me, BTW. Also, I think it works out better, for knives anyway, if you turn the slot 90 degrees from the way they are in the vid.

You have that many knives, cone? Jeez, this really is a sickness....

Nice solution. I am fortunate to have a basement office where all my 'junque' now occupies a desktop credenza. I also have three aluminum storage cases that could hold maybe 2/3 of my lights if needed. I have flashlights placed in every room of the house for emergency, which takes care of quite a few more. Finally, my EDC lights are in an organizer on my dresser in the bedroom and I rotate which ones I carry each day.

I saw the same video and decided to do the same. I got started, but got sidetracked. By the time I’m finished, the case should be almost full. I got sidetracked from knives to flashlights. I really should get this done.

My small Eagletacs in a Pelican 1060.

Way too complicated. I have a basket on the counter. When I get home from work, I empty my pockets into that basket. When it gets full, I sort through it and roll the change, take flashlight parts to their designated box, and throw all the old grocery receipts in the trash...

A little ashamed to say “yes”, but to be fair, I’ve been at it over forty years and for the last ten or so, knives are pretty much the only thing anyone ever gives me for a gift.

I’ll tell you what’s sick, the amount of TP I have squirreled away. :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably true, but what is funny is that I’m not generally an organized person (and if you ever saw my garage you’d understand).

What kind of hooks…like tea cup hooks?

Clear small plastic box on the windowsill… it’s the only thing that works for me/ prevents me from leaving stuff all around, only for edc or close to edc stuff: wallet, ID’s., knife, FL, coins @ notes, pen….chocolate (yep, i edc chocolate) i try to keep everything else out of (gf’s)sight :wink: