EDC TC4 triple Titanium Alloy Torch mini LED Flashlight or Meerxu Mt3?

I came across this on aliexpress, great looking 18350 light, but no idea on the driver and I think the leds are xpg, probably cool - it seems to have rgb aux lights from the several ad’s on aliexpress/reviews I’ve seen.
All that aside the light is really nice, so I thought I’d share it on here in case anyone else was interested. £56.26 which isn’t bad.

EDC TC4 Titanium Alloy Torch mini LED Flashlight Torch Pocket Light 10 Switch Modes Outdoor Camping Tools

Tempted to get one, but I also like this meerxu one for a few pounds more… which would you go for?

I had a first generation Mechforce and the pocket clip in particular didn’t feel comfortable at all. The wider pocket clips look like an improvement.

I always liked the sleek lines of the Reaver citadel but never came close to buying one.