EDI-T P4... Backordered

FX-32 and Boaz have instructions on how the ramping works:

FX-32: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/4689#comment-115075

Boaz: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/4689#comment-117896

I didn't bother to learn about ramping because I hate 3*AAA flashlights so much, but I do have some good news. I got a full refund through PayPal, no thanks to VolumeRates. Also, I noticed on VR that the flashlight is out of stock, but it's still "available" on DX. I hope that DX fixes that description soon. Good luck to everyone with the PayPal disputes!

yeah, 3xaaa SUCK

thanks for the link, I knew I'd posted in that thread but couldn't find it

How long is the 18560 that you tried?

If the threads engage at all I bet it can be modified to fit. On my 18650 version it would only need another 4mm after the threads first start to engage. There is a useless step in the tailcap that is at least 2mm right there. Another 5mm or more can be had from the pill.