Edit : Not recommended now.. 20% disc Trustfire Flames are good, measured 2266mAh & new batch 2498mAh

I'm pretty sure there isn't a girl in china named Ellen ..That cracked me up ..:)

I hate to hear anyone getting the screws put to them Tim817 send me your address and i'll send you some free barbe-que sauce ...and I likeflashlights PM me your paypal and I'l send you 14cents :P

ellen ...that's a hoot

knowledge from college, wisdom from God....

Boaz has incredible discernment on things ~

Has anyone cut-off the label to see what is on the battery case? Like, another label, or stamps/marks on the case?

Sorry for the batteries problem, we sincerely appologize to the members here. I have told our product center to check the items more carefully after we get from the suppliers. And we will ask our suppliers to confirm the cells. If there are any other members who got the wrong ones, please directly contact with our online customer service to ask them to give you a full refund, or you can contact with me to solve your problem.


There it is. Can't get much better than that!

You'll be surprise but there are a lot of people live on hong kong that use English name even though their English skill is not that good. Their official languages are Chinese and English. Check this out:


Mine arrived today, two pairs, after DD personel guaranteed they would check the batteries thoroughly before shipping... these are 2 pairs of obvious fakes.

Same bigger font as some posts above, wrinkled shrink foil and cheaper looking flame patern...

Contacted CS through live chat and after some back and forth and refusing to accept a $14 gift card twice and explaining I would get my money back from paypal if I'd open a dispute/claim for receiving counterfeit goods without any problem, they agreed to refund me in full in my PP account.

I hate to have to threaten with a PP dispute, but it's an issue they should solve with their suppliers and not their customers, if they sincerely where led to believe that the batch of batteries they received where genuine, they should take it up with their supplier.

Anyhow, the outcome is possitive, after a 30 min CS chat, they agreed to refund in 2 to 3 days. That's good CS!

Looks like a refund for me either way. Unprotected / Protected fakes. Still waiting for delivery.

They refunded in a couple of hours, so thumbs up from me, good customer support all-round.

The best CS I've had from any of the big sellers.

Hello everybody! After Summer assured that we will receive good items (or this is what I understood), I put an order for this on Friday. Hope I won't get fake ones :(

What do you say? Since it's not shipped yet, should I cancel my order? Or try my luck in the hope that the right measurements were taken?

Might as well let it ride. Worst case is you get a refund and some free crappy batteries.

I asked for a refund for 2pcs of unprotected and got it.

I decided to let fakes be as is, at least they were protected so mostly right.

Glad to hear some resolution. Have purchased a lot from DD lately, and SFSG.

Patiently awaiting my batteries. I ordered these protected for a gift. Non-flashaholic father.

Don't know if DD/Packer(s)/Supplier is at fault. Doesn't matter at this point to me, as they are taking care of the problem.

I received some more unprotected cells, 3 pairs. Was promised protected but no go i guess. Currently running a discharge test.

I have another pair coming, ordered on 14th Nov, so that is well after the product centre checked.

Will need to see the figures and see how they fare.

You can actually........you can get the correct item, and one which matches the advertised specs.

Since that isn’t happening, refer to post #298

Haha...just tested the unprotected ones (with the bright QA stickers ) which came in the mail. 2495mAh. Even better than the first batch.

That's better than the XTAR 2600 and Sanyo 2600.

That’s sounds good, ¿At which discharge rate did you obtain 2495mAh? @1A?

Nice 8)

Better than my previous set, they had almost 200mAh difference so not good in used as a pair, maybe...

I would guess the 1A discharge.

Yep...1A discharge. Genuine IMAX B6, Uni-T UT-58E DMM measured about 2.7V loaded when it terminated. I will open another pack and randomly test again.
