Has somebody also problems to reach the German http://www.taschenlampen-forum.de ?
The site asks for the log in and then nothing.
Online since 2018-06-07
Has somebody also problems to reach the German http://www.taschenlampen-forum.de ?
The site asks for the log in and then nothing.
Online since 2018-06-07
It says
Wartung = Maintenance
Ok, https://www.seitedown.de sagt sie ist down.
Seems DSGVO hit them.
Thanks L4M4,
Chrome for Android says nothing.
It was announced from Frank, the owner of the Forum since 2 days ago
He also mentioned he will work as fast as possible :+1:
TLF site admin (Frank) posted that he’d have to do some technical maintenance and TLF could be down for some time. He didn’t mention DSGVO.
I'm thinking DSGVO hit abload.de yesterday, because I couldn't log into the site for quite a while.
I can login to abload.de, with no problems.
At first login after the 25th May you have to read the new DSGVO privacy changes (page shows up automatically) and confirm these changes.
Yeah, today is no problem.
I couldn't do this for many hours yesterday.
I could imagine they might also want to implement SSL encryption along with any changes that occur due to the DSGVO. However, the website is still down and most probably some of TLF‘s heavy users may already get withdrawal symptoms.
Also, my pics here are gone.
Well, lets just pray TLF will come back to life.
Concerning DSGVO a.k.a GDPR:
Here is an excerpt of what has happened to German media/websites due to the new DSGVO. It’s a total disaster and some websites have been completely shut down in order to avoid charges for noncompliance. :person_facepalming:
Some US newspaper websites have locked out European IP addresses in order to avoid charges. Yeelight lamps cannot be controlled with their app anymore. The list of absurdities becomes endless…
There was a LOT of time to check the new DSGVO laws before they came into force and change the sites to comply with these. It seems a little strange if webmasters taken suddenly down their sites to make these as fast as possible DSGVO compatible. If you follow the existing privacy laws you should have no problems with the DSGVO anyway.
@The_Driver: Especially for this reason I hosted my pics for this and other forums on an external picture hoster. Also I have my pictures saved on my computer to re-upload the pics to another hoster if abload.de has to close eventually.
Monday evening and still down.
DSGVO vs Taschenlampen-Forum
1 : 0
Hmh maybe
I´m a little bit insecure
When trying to open the Messer Forum another German Forum handling with flashlights
the site is also down in connection with a message in reference to DSGVO
I was just able to open the link to the „German Knife Forum“ you mentioned before. However, the TLF website is still down and I begin to wish there was somekind of an „official“ interim statement from one of the TLF adminstrators here. At least a short statement about the expected minimum downtime would have been helpful to get a feeling of the actual extent of work to do. As far as I recognized things, the TLF website has been taken offline on Friday morning last week.
I was just able to open the link to the „German Knife Forum“ you mentioned before. However, the TLF website is still down and I begin to wish there was somekind of an „official“ interim statement from one of the TLF adminstrators here. At least a short statement about the expected minimum downtime would have been helpful to get a feeling of the actual extent of work to do. As far as I recognized things, the TLF website has been taken offline on Friday morning last week.
+1 :+1:
That was also my thoughts
I‘m quite sure a number of members of the TLF are Reading here
And a Few words of one of the Moderators here would be nice
As far as I can See this is the only Place to get some Information
Was there any information to the users before the TLF was shut down?
If so, what was in it?
Yes, there was a note at the top of the page:
Attention, shortly there will be maintanance of the forum
Shortly we will be doing extensive adjustments and maintenance of the forum. If necessary you will need to do without the forum for some time. I promise to hurry, but you got to do what you got to do.
Please don’t panic, even when only an empty page appears. No data will be lost. Thank you for your understanding.
I didn’t expect such a long down time, now we know how addicted feels like. I hope they will restart soon. It‘s good to have no „must have“ feeling for some days, if no one show new flashlights.
Regards Ulrich
Well, it might be a good thing for BLF, more visitors and new members :)