
Welcome! We're all looking forward to seeing your projects.


Welcome aboard. I would love an old set of PVS7’s if you have any laying around. Just don’t make me road-march 12 miles wearing them. LOL Talk about light infantry flashbacks.

I love the 502B I think it’s one of the best budget hosts around. Use a BLF DD driver and build a triple XP-L and you will find it hard to believe what it can do! Plus lots of other great ways to build them; XP-G2 de-domed make a cool little thrower, throws even farther with an aspheric lens. Nichia 219 High CRI for perfect tint. XM-L2 is also great in them.

One good trick. Take a one inch slice of copper tube cut that down the middle. Open it up, slip it over the reflector to make a copper sleeve for it. This is of course if you plan on leaving the reflector in. This will solve one of the biggest problems this light has. The heat transfer is normally terrible for any of the P60 drop ins and that is why a lot of people don’t like the P60 in fact some people hate them.

calan, welcome! You’ll find a nice home here :slight_smile:

I hope this switch will work in the 502b. It’s the only forward clickie that’s even close that I’ve found.

I don’t have any experience with that switch, but I can tell you mtn has it too, although shipping isn’t free. US source

We’ll soon find out…if it ever gets here.

I HATE waiting for stuff. I get more cynical and impatient with every passing year. :slight_smile:

well soon you will get used to it, like sometimes i even forgot what im already ordered when it arrives

Welcome… I’m a relative newbie and about a dozen plus flashlights in and still tripping…. Enjoy!
