my Astrolux MF04S has not turned off since last night.
The XHP 70.2 LED remains a little lit. The led is made up of 4 parts, 3 of these remain on.
The only way to turn it off is to unscrew the battery cap.
The same thing happens at the first power level, the lowest. 3 out of 4 parts are on.
The other modes, including turbo, work well.
Since the shop Bangood is not giving a damn, I was thinking of fixing it myself, but I need help. (Update: Bangood replied. technical team confirms that it is the faulty led)
The questions are:
Is it due to a malfunction of the driver?
How do i disassemble the driver?
Where can i find the spare part?
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like a bad driver, but the fact turbo amd the other modes work is odd. I don’t know if replacement drivers are available for it. You might want to see if Mateminco has them since the mf04 is a copy of the mt70+. I’ve never taken one apart, but I’d imagine a vice, strap wrench, and padding should get the bezel off.
Three torx screws…
It is not necessary to open the head, it has cables long enough to be able to manipulate (or to change) the driver.
The best driver (battery carriers need to be modified): [Sale] Buck drivers 20, 21, 22, 24, 30mm L6, MF01, MF02/04(S), TN40S/42, BLF GT, Acebeam X45/65
It is the same as for the MF02S.
The carriers modification:
He can also have new boards available for carriers.
Thanks for the replies.
The original driver seems not to be in the market, not even the Mateminco one.
I will adopt the solution proposed by Unloco.
I’ll have to get a precision soldering for tin. Do you have any suggestions?
Welcome to BLF lzeppelin
Bangood should help you with this problem. How long have you had the MF04s ?
The driver may be ok, could be a bad switch.
The led is either bad or not seated well on the mcpcb. The leds I had the same symptoms, were bad.
If needed Lexel probably can get you fixed up with the driver. Lexels driver compilation
PM Lexel and ask im for advice too.
Thanks a lot for the tip. Amazon will deliver it to me shortly.
Bangood finally decided to answer me. Their technical team confirms that it is the faulty led.
When one of the four segments fails, then this happens. However, it seems strange to me because in the higher power levels the LED works entirely
The one quadrant that is out, is hard to see on turbo.
Make sure Banggood understands the light will not turn off !!

Sounds like a bad driver, but the fact turbo amd the other modes work is odd. I don’t know if replacement drivers are available for it. You might want to see if Mateminco has them since the mf04 is a copy of the mt70+. I’ve never taken one apart, but I’d imagine a vice, strap wrench, and padding should get the bezel off.
The MF04 is made by Mateminco, it’s not a copy. Astrolux is Banggood’s branding

When one of the four segments fails, then this happens. However, it seems strange to me because in the higher power levels the LED works entirely
Had 2x Sofirn SP70’s with only 2 or 3 dies lit, worked okay at full power but half the lumen output and then eventually died.