(Email is coming with tracking )Discussion Thread.-- 1st BLF Titanium flashlight with tritium.

still in the workshop?

Looking forward to more pix. I’m cool with no copper fins etc myself. Just want to get this host out quickly instead of waiting months for updates. But that’s just me!

Hmm this is taking very long.. no updates yet?

No pictures?

My gut feeling says this isnt going to work out.

Dude, that’s the Sushi…. it’ll be fine, watch…

What Sushi? I only ate dead fish!

If the machinist that’s doing this hasn’t worked Titanium before, he’s got a bit of a learning curve in front of him. He’ll get it worked out and the light will end up fine. :slight_smile:

so now you are saying that he abused the fish? And you are saying that the stuff I ate wasn`t sushi? hmm... I guess I will never trust machinists anymore.

No, he didn’t abuse the poor fish. Yes, the stuff you ate wasn’t Sushi. Maybe the machinist is not to be trusted, maybe he is, let’s see if he gets this Ti light right first…

And leave the Sake alone.


The gut feelings could be bad sushi or too much sake. :wink: (or a bad combination of both)

Saki is the titanium version of Sake! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well see, I always thought it was pronounced “Sa-kee” but now I find that it’s “Sah-keh” so that’s why I misspelled it. I guess if they put it in a Ti container instead of glass it could very well be Saki, or after the 3’rd or 4th round it could be almost anything you wanted it to be. :slight_smile: Ask the machinist…

Yeah, someone wake up the machinist, he’s kinda sleeping on the job.

Or maybe he had too much Saki! :open_mouth:

And now back to our scheduled programing.

May I add…


good information, thanks.

ok, no one?

What’s the question?

Ahh - new photo’s in the OP.

You might want to change the title, & add a date.

Thanks. will do.