As asked for by some. I’m starting this thread as an interested or other ideas list for the excellent Emisar series that so far are the D1/D4 with others hinted at. 20700 battery looks like it’s here to stay. It’s performance list as the best 18650 +25% for capacity or amperage. As an EDC the light will run longer but being near it’s physical limitation due to size and weight any extra brightness is likely to be little and very short when thermal controls start. The thinner wall from merely drilling out more will quicken the drop. Some thought on tube design will be needed. Removing the tubes taper and keeping full diameter with or with out the clip groves is one idea. Leaving outer profile as is and accepting the lighter weight is another.
20700 flashlight is different light with different threads. I mean you need both other head and tube.
As idea, 3x20700 tubes will replace 4x18650 tubes on SRK style lights in future.
I for one would love to see a D1 20700 tube with clip rings.
21700 has great future, that’s certain
18650 has a great future, that’s nearly certain too
20700? Unlikely, too close to 21700.
For now, 4*18650 is just slightly larger than 3*20700 while giving more capacity and power. Personally I don’t expect the gap to ever get smaller.
3*21700 might be interesting, though now 4*18650 is better and if both formats get the same amount of R&D, a quad will stay marginally better.
On topic: I’d love 21700 D1 and D4.
Back on topic, not enough clearance for 21700 at the head to tube juction. Just enough for 20700. I saw a few request for 20700 options, looks like this thread has fizzled out before it started.
I’d like to see an 18650 tube with knurling on it.
Well, there’s no space for 20700 either unless they reduce battery tube wall thickness below the level that they desire… so I view both 20700 and 21700 as requiring a redesign of both head and tube.
But if they are willing to simply make the tube thinner, 20700 would be an interesting option.
If anyone is willing to sell me an NW XPL HI D4 modified to 20700, I’m willing to buy.
I’m interested in 20700 tubes at least 2.
See I’m confused.
The D4 is a hot rod WOW light. Sure it will thermally run between 400-600 lumens. But who is running the light at 400-600 lumens and not getting good battery life? stranded out in the dark much?
Like I said it might just be me who is confused.
now the Q8 or the MT-01 search lights maybe they can drag the cells down fast enough to leave you caught out side with low batteries.

See I’m confused.
The D4 is a hot rod WOW light. Sure it will thermally run between 400-600 lumens. But who is running the light at 400-600 lumens and not getting good battery life? stranded out in the dark much?
Like I said it might just be me who is confused.
now the Q8 or the MT-01 search lights maybe they can drag the cells down fast enough to leave you caught out side with low batteries.
It was a question for an extra option. These tubes fit the D4/D1/D1S. Might seem nice to have the 18350/18500/18650/20700 tubes along with a few different heads. As is we have a few LED options too. I pretty much did the same with the BLF A6/Astrolux 41 series with 18350/18650 tubes in aluminum, steel, anodized stainless, etc.
It was a question for an extra option. These tubes fit the D4/D1/D1S. Might seem nice to have the 18350/18500/18650/20700 tubes along with a few different heads. As is we have a few LED options too. I pretty much did the same with the BLF A6/Astrolux 41 series with 18350/18650 tubes in aluminum, steel, anodized stainless, etc.
I thought the D1S tube has slightly different thread length or something. I’m not sure why Hank/Emisar wouldn’t want them to lego…
Jmo, but why would a d4 need higher mAh larger batteries…?
Many 18650 have enough oomf to power a d4 to max output for the 30seconds or so before d4 goes on to broil, and enough capacity to power it at lower thermal acceptable levels for many hours. A bored out thinner d4 tube with needed spacers might even cut down on thermal path heat dissipation…? the opposite of what it needs, yes…?
From what I’ve seen, once in thermal control, a 3000mAh vtc6 battery will last for hours and hours, even with a brief blast of 4000lumens here and there.
I just don’t see the point in making a d4 bigger/thinner/heavier just for more mAh. One of the d4’s best feature is its small size and weight. Most of us like the even smaller 18350 tube, and find it fine for normal use, enjoying its cute mini size with big power bursts.
Now if someone could add some type of heat sink tube that makes it only slightly bigger, heavier, but lets it stay at max output longer, then my guess, many many would be interested…
Not saying 20700 tube is a bad idea, just, I don’t understand the need…
I think a 20700 tube is a good idea. ~33% increase in capacity with little to no increase in tube size seems like a good option to me.
I was considering sending an email about a possible 20700 tube, but the more I think about it, I’d love a Jaxman E2L style with Emisar craftsmanship built for 20700.