Emisar D1K SFT70 3000K highest brightness with no step down!?

Hi all,

I just bought D1K SFT70 3000K. Brilliant flashlight and perfect for my use case.
I want to set up the highest brightness level (ceiling x/150) where there should be little to no step down at all.
Anyone could give me an advice what the level should I set up?
My temperature threshold is set to 50°.

Thanks a lot.

I don’t know about the exact numbers, but will point out that the “highest brightness level where there should be little/no stepdown” is heavily dependent on ambient temperature. During a hot summer, even medium modes can get uncomfortably warm, while during winter, turbo may be sustainable.

1 Thank

Hank also told me to run the flashlight on high, and after a while the brightness will step down, and those are the “highest with no step down” for that ambient temperature.

If I understand it correctly, the temperature limit regulate the “brightness” so if the ambient temperature is high, then the brightness will go only that high so it doesnt go over the limit.

So I will probably ask it another way. In the 1lumen review, it was mentioned High goes to 464 lm after 10min. Could someone maybe tell me what is the x/150 level for 500lm, 450lm, 400lm for this particular set up?

That is a well-phrased question, and I’ll defer to the experts to answer it. I will say that the reviewed light uses the SST20, which is a lot less efficient than your SFT70. If they can sustain 464lm, you can probably sustain on the order of 600.

There is probably enough variance in the driver/emitter combo (both different from reviewed light) and precision across Anduril implementations that your best bet could just be trial-and-error to figure out the right level for you. With binary search it only takes you 5 tries to get within +/-5 of the desired level out of 150, more precision or fewer tries if you already have a reasonable estimate.

Just sharing my settings here.

I’ve set the temperature limit to 50°C.
Set the floor to 15/150 → for me this is usable moonlight. 10/150 is okayish but a bit too dim for me.
Set the ceil to 75/150
Set the steps to 4: Moonlight - L - M - H
No turbo.
Ambient temperature ~20°C

Running on M is bright enough and the flashlight doesnt feel warm at all after 10m.
Running on H is pretty much only on a special case. The warmth does build up overtime I ran it about 20m, and it still feels like < 40°C.

So this is my current preferable settings.
Well if someone have the time and chance to check how many lumens is 75/150 it would be cool :stuck_out_tongue: