Emisar D3AA is available now

I've been putting off downloading something like this forever, i just tried one from the link you posted. I Appreciate it!

I’d like to ask about hopefully an eventual chance to have both-

Is there a dual channel DC-DC driver in the works? That would make the K9.3 the final light, the one to end them all.

Unfortunately not. K9.3’s firmware has not been updated to include the option to tint ramp or instant switch. Currently they are separate firmwares. It (and DM1.12) come with the instant switching firmware by default. The K9.3 tent ramp firmware can be reflashed onto either, but it only does tint ramping.

TK may merge them in the future but that has not happened yet.

Edit: DerMaxPower says the k9.3-tintramp-nofet firmware does have both tint ramping and instant switching.

We have tried it, but it seems that the 519A LED dome is a bit too big for the optics,
and the dome will be cracked by the optics, so, it will not fit.

Seems wierd to buy a 100usd+ flashlight, and the firmware is broken?

Kind of a turnoff to be frank.

I just asked Hank about the new boost driver firmware and he confirmed my suspicions that it’s not public yet.

Is it his source or ToyKeeper’s to release?

I have modded my dm1.12 - changing the outer flood Channel LEDS from sst20 to xpl-hi, and I can confirm there is not enough room under the small outer optics to fit 519a with dome, as the xpl-hi barely fit. I tried it with one 519a and the small outer optics don't sit flush on the out board.

I can only imagine that that will likely be the case. You pretty much always have to pick you poison with flashlights. Well, I guess at least until 519A came along that is. :smiley: That thing seems to be about as perfect as possible in all categories (once dedomed).

The K9.3 product page advertises the following:

As far as I’m aware, it does what it says on the tin and is therefore not broken.

It does not advertise tint ramping. You can install unofficial firmware on it with support for additional features, which may or may not work as expected.

That’s wrong. The “cfg-noctigon-k9.3-tintramp-nofet.h” firmware has the 9H menu option to switch between ramping and switching. I have it on my K9.3 and I just checked to make sure.

Might be that I assumed to much myself. DM1.12 came long after the tint ramping kr4, d4v2, d4s, dt8. With dm1.12 having the feature set of one flashlight with one big tir thrower and a bunch of flooders, it just seemed ridiculous not to be able to use both at once. Like a stepback. It might just be my reasoning, but then i could just pack a kr1 and some floody dt8 instead, with the additional perk of having them on at the same time if needed.

But it might just be me, who thought the dm1.12 was to come with tint ramping software pre-installed?

Don’t get me wrong, i Love Hank for what he does and own several Hanklights. I just don’t understand the dm1.12 at the moment. Maybe it can be updated with software further down the line, but it feels incomplete, if you’re used to any other tintramping Hanklights out there.
Hank set a very high standard for what a flashlight could be, and now I feel that the dm1.12 does not reach up that high standard, more a setback.

Oh good! Thanks for checking that!

My hope is high!

Me too! The hope would be that Hank sources a second optic size for the DM1.12 (as well as D18 and K9.3, BTW!) that fits all of the LED's he sells (lH351d, xpl-hd, 519a dome on).

As a extra source of hope - Hank had for awhile not been able to offer a "throwy" optic for the DT8 like he does for the D4v2 / KR4 (carclo 10621), but i was on cutter electronics website this week and saw that Carclo does indeed make (3) optics in the DT8 size + shape - frosted/floody, medium spot, and now narrow spot. Which is nice for those who own Osram version DT8's !

Hopefully this same development can happen for the DM1.12 outer LED optic's. more choices!

Just got another small batch XHP35 HI LED, 4000K 80CRI & 2700k 90CRI for KR1 and K1.

Hi Hank,

Will the upcoming right angle head lamp have a threaded retaining ring on the switch or one of the friction fitted rings like on the D4V2?

Many thanks

It’s with threaded retaining ring.

Hi Hank, do you have any photos of the right angle light you can share?

What’s the candela/throw on KR1 xhp35 hi ?