Emisar D3AA is available now

Tactical grizzly to the rescue again!
All set up now! Thanks a bunch.

I knew I learned how to do it somewhere.
I actually subscribe to his channel and have watched that video multiple times.
But ive also watched all of LuxWad videos and tonnes of other channels/videos on the subject. As well as reading about it here and on Reddit.

All long before ever having the light in my hands though haha
Now that I finally actually needed to do it, I couldnā€™t remember where to find that specific bit of information.
I spent a good while rewatching some LuxWad videos thinking the info was in one of them.

But then it got dark so I had to go outside and play with them a bit.
Now im gonna go out and play with them some more with the instant switching!

For anyone else wondering how to do this. Its at 1:55 in the video

Thanks Tac!

Thanks a bunch to Hank Wang as well for these absolutely wonderful lights!

Answered my emails very quickly, took care of my requests with ease, shipped them next day, and arrived to me in 8 days!!!
Fastest flashlight delivery ever!

The channel switching D4SV2 with W1 / LH351D 5000k is everything I hoped it would be!

The second channel switching D4SV2 with 2700k / Deep Red is also super awesome, but I didnt have any expectations for it, whereas I had I very high hopes/expectations from the first one that it absolutely delivers on.

Ya heā€™s awesome. I use a dual channel 2000K/deep red for my desk light in my home office. Itā€™s like a soft golden sunset all day.

My favorite Hank light is my d18 with an even mix of 2700 and 4000 emitters (he charges like $10 to customize I think). Powerful beam thatā€™s about 3300K. Fantastic for walks at night

Ha I wish. I could never afford to live in a place like this. On vacationā€¦

Thatā€™s so weird I was just googling to figure out the difference between domed and dedomed. Some clown on Redit said it lowers the tint a bit to dedome which would be sweet for a 2700K 519A

Thats half the purpose of mine as well haha. Its nice on candle mode as a bed side light.

Which emitter comes in 2000K?

I couldnt imagine carrying the D18 around for my night walks lol, this D4SV2 is just pushing it, but totally worth it.

Nichia E21A

E17A is available in 1850K

It does lower the light temperature, and goes to -Duv, but I'm more interested how it's working with TIR optics.
On normal reflector it should result in more through, but i wonder how TIR on D4v2 and KR4 handle it.

Yea, lowers temp around 20% , throws a tad further at a loss of some lumens plus a smaller spot and drops delicate roses everywhere like youā€™re at a wedding.

P.s. I might be that clown lol

Just got the emisar DW4 Headlamp with E21A dual channel 2700K - 4500K

Not rosey enough for my taste
Just a touch too yellow at the warm end

A Lee 803 (Magenta / Minus Green) filter was the perfect correction without going noticably red

A Lee 802 filter was a tad too far into the red

That was what I diddnā€™t like about the Fireflies PL09MU Mixed Tint E21A

When you find the perfect combo, the result is magical

Love the Light - Thanks Hank!

The headband is basic black without any lettering (Perfect)
Iā€™m not into free advertising for anyone
Removed the center strap though

Also got the magnetic tailcap

Ordered direct / 2 weeks shipping time

Great info, thanks, Iā€™ll be ordering a similar setup, waiting for some warmer 519a options.

When dedomed 519A 2700K :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Supposed to be this week sometime.

Will the Noctigon DM11 in green be available again?

519a 2700K is live for the DW4, not yet listed for other lights but he must have them in hand.

Sweet! :heart:

2700 519A is listed, I just ordered a dual channel DW4, with 4500K and 2700K, both dedomed. Hoping for super rosy tint.

Looks like for all the flashlights now.

Are the kr1 and kr4 drivers the same thing? Can one be swapped by the other?

Yes. The only difference is that KR1 usually has FET disabled in the firmware while KR4 usually has FET enabled in the firmware.