I really like the size of the Emisar D4 with the 18350 tube adapter for a pocket carry, or something to always have in my bag. I’ve noticed that many of the reviews for this light are a bit dated. Is this still a good light or should I be looking for something different that is more recent? Also, any suggestions on which LED setup is optimal and where I can get a good deal on one?
I bought one a couple of months ago with the 18350 tube and it has not left my pocket since. I prefer the Anduril firmware, but the firmware that comes with it is very similar. It is still a good light, if a floody light that can put our 4k lumens (maybe only 3k with the 18350 cell) for 20 second bursts with ramping output level and few other bells and whistles is your definition of good. I think they still can be had for $35 at intl outdoor with free shipping, the short tube is a bit extra.
Well, with the crazy lumen output and resultant heat, I wouldn’t recommend the D4 as a 18350 carry light. The 18650 is much more practical and I love it.
On the other hand, I have been trying out the D1 with the 18350 tube. It seems a much better match for usability and adds the reach that the D4 can’t.
I will incorporate these two in a compact carry unit.
Everyone has an opinion and I respect yours. I will add that one does not need to use the light at full power to fully enjoy it. But to have thousands of lumens available (in short bursts) if you need it is very handy. In reality, I have never needed more than a couple hundred lumens, so that part of the light is just a toy.
It is true if you want a light that you need long term thousands of lumens, the D4 with the short tube is the wrong choice. If you want a very pocketable light at can get super bright, has a great user interface, then D4 is right up there. I love my Nichia. I recently bought a second wth two different XPL-HI to see how that looks, really looking forward to checking it out.
It was designed as a hot rod light. It still is a little pocket burner.
Much like some of the higher end modded Convoy S2+ hosts.
Small lights that are hi output are rarely small and if they are they due to physics get hot fast. It is one of the reasons the D4 catches a lot of flack. Users can only get 20-30 seconds of use on the turbo before they can no longer hold on to it. Other lights are not as bright but can run at high for longer. It is a give and take, you choose what you want.
I still say it is a great light and for the price it is almost impossible to beat.