Intended use is almost everything I do with a flashlight.
If I’m walking my dog I wanna be able to light up as much stuff on the side and floor in front of me , less than 20 feet ahead of us.
VERY RARELY do I look at something more than 20 feet in front me
This is one reason I don’t care for throwers, plus when I’m using a high candela light for walking especially in the house I cant stand the fact that a ton of my capacity is being dissipated into the stupid hot spot that i have no use for plus frankly it’s annoying as hell to. I’d rather it go toward runtime.
Even when I’m walking outside I hate seeing that hot spot
IMy other issue is that I don’t find anything under 300 lumens to be good bright enough, thats why I said my preferred range is somewhere between 300-1000, I’m not picky whether it’s 325 or 650
When I’m working on my car from the top I want pure flood
When I’m working under my car I want pure flood,
when I’m looking for tools in a bag in the tool shed I don’t want to ceiling bounce, I want to point the light at the tool bag and be able to see around the bag and on the wall
When I’m fixing something in the attic I want very bloody
If I had a basement, I’d want a bloody beam again.
Not necessarily 120 degrees but at least 80 degrees.
I know a lot of lights have a 80 degree spill like zebra lights but it’s not a very bright spill
That’s why Im looking for something that has a wide spill angle, can not only do but maintain over 300 lumens for many hours, without dimming
Tons of light can do 5000 lumens but for 10 seconds, tons of them are very pretty and are made from some super cool materials like mokuti or zurcuti, and there there are more than 2 dozen lights that can maintain 500 lumens for hours but they are huge and not necessarily floody
If I was a machinist the easiest thing to do would be to make my own light, but I’m not a machinist and the few people I’ve contacted that can make lights have given me $1000 and up quotes
Not gonna happen
It looks like I’m just gonna have to go with good enough, since I can’t find perfect
Since none of these lights are as floody and smooth as I want them Im thinking about getting that luminit filter in 80 degree angle, if i can buy some without having to buy a square yard of it.
And then install it on a light
I haven’t made up my mind yet, but I’m looking at nextorch ta30 which gets 6 hours on medium, ta30 max at 5 hours, zebralight sc700, emisar d4sv2, acebeam e75, and some others
Fenix c7 can also do 6.5 hours but Fenix, and nextorch are a little too long.
I’m still deciding.