Then you will be on the site to collect a five dollar coupon yourself. Or you can go directly to Share Cake for Coupons , new $5 coupons come available at the beginning of each hour to be gone in seconds.
You need to share or get five AliExpress users to click and collect on your personal link to be able to collect another $5 coupon.
Looking forward to save some money on my all my AliExpress orders, hope you are too!
Edit: My second piece has been fully shared, Thanks!. Truely, the third $5 doesn’t need to be shared at all. If anyone is having trouble and you need your second $5, please bump this thread, and or PM me and let me know how many of the five spots need filling still, so I can update this post when needed. Remember, these $5 coupons need $35 purchases in one order, you can combine merchants, they just need to be all paid at once, and you only have 10 days to use them up. My wishlist has things waiting, I know I’ll use them up.
Not at all! You do need at least one of the three, I think if you don’t want to do something more advanced. For me the first time collecting the cake slice, it doesn’t share. Then I reshare and things work right. I share to twitter and copy down the link before shared. If you want me to post your link in the first post, just let me know.
To share without any of the three, I choose a VK share. It takes you to a login page, but the url in the browser contains your link. The link you want is at the end, but you’ll need to change some of the characters back from html hex to ascii.
On the collection page, you are at the same page for your own slice. At the very beginning of each hour(sync your clock!), 417 shares become available. Just be there for the fresh hour, be ready to reload, then reload, wait for the page to load, then collect your $5 coupon. The only way you can get a second(or third) is if you completely share 5 slots for the one preceding.
Thanks for the info. I was able to get the coupon a second try. They really are gone in seconds…
Here’s my link for the $2 coupon if anybody is interested:
hmmm, the home page says “$2 … min. $15 order” but on clicking it the coupon is for $2 off a minimum $35 order
EDIT, but “show coupons” shows it as $2/$15 — so the popup I saw showing “$35” was a typo in their announcement (got a screenshot to verify it, just for my own sanity)
Here’s all the coupons I received from this promotion, you can see $2 is off $15, $5 off $35. The coupons are almost worth the same, 13 and 1/3 percent off vs 14.28%. Wish I could have more of both.
Hurry up only 350 coupons (maybe taken away in 1-2 minutes). This are the every hour coupons ($5 for $35 min. order, like a full cake coupon). Every aliexpress customer can get a $2 cake if they use one of the links in this thread.
I don't know, if every one can take a piece of cake on any cakes. At the moment I have two $2 cakes.
Still my first cake:
Don’t give up hope, but it’s going to be very hard to get more $5 coupons then the one you are working on. It seems things have been pretty well saturated. I put the last two people’s share URLs in the first post now. I hope everyone can get all their $5 coupons(that’s three).
If you are still having trouble, post to twitter and include hashtags in the post. Also using twitter, if you need more shares, make sure you keep your link recent. I think many people start out looking for the $2 shares thinking they can stockpile, it’s always been very easy to get lots off of of twitter.
27 hours to go to try and get 3 of each coupon. And something special should happen on Aliexpress on the 31st, it seems.
As the final hours wind down, please check the links in this thread if there’s $2 coupons left here. @illuminos, yours is now in the OP as well.
If anyone still can’t get their 3 $2 coupons, just use the search on twitter. This link should be correct Twitter search
Only 6.5 hours to go for this. Sadly, I can’t even login to Aliexpress now, it just hangs at the login page. EDIT: I deleted every last “ali” cookie except for AliPay, then I waited on the homepage for a minute until it stopped loading, logged in easily after that.