green trit, would love polished but whatever way they com
Blue in natural finish
Edit: Changed to Green
Any info about the brightness… green the most bright as usual followed by yellow?
And are there two shapes available or just the left (four windows design) with two finish options (natural or sandblasted)?
One green, sandblasted please.
One green with sandblasted finish please. Many thanks
One yellow with sandblasted, Thanks!
One yellow, natural. Thanx!
I would be in for at least two (green), maybe 4 (other 2 yellow).
Preference for style is the one on the far right (if there’s a choice), but doesn’t matter, neither does the finish.
I’m very likely in for a pink one. The wife’s needs replacement as her current tritium vial was damaged (and is thus non-glowing) in a key fumble…
Interested in a green and natural.
I’ll take one in yellow, natural finish (either finish is fine).
In for 2…green and red…both natural
One blue, natural.
One yellow, natural finish. Thanks!
Tempting to get 2 but u sure which colours to get
Someone help me choose?
white / natural
TL23 is on the left and center.
Green, yellow and blue are the more popular colors.
never had a trit before.
Is green the brightest? Any photos of all of the available colours?
I might go with a Blue in sand blasted.
Is the tritium replaceable if ever it breaks?