I have an XP-G3 on the way, but those pictures make me want to order a 219C as well. However, in the previous posts of beamshots, the XP-G3 did appear brighter and the person who posted the beamshots said that it appeared brighter in person (with also farther throw). It is very tempting at this price to pull the trigger, but after 1 MF01 and 3 Q8, I might be pushing the budget a little too hard. I think I will wait for more reviews and hope that there will be future deals on the 219C. I don’t think you can go wrong with either one.

freeme’s coupon code now works again

freeme, its not…. I paid an extra $8.14 for “Expedited Shipping Service” which turned out to be DHL (great, wonder what that will cost me when it gets here).

Order Placed Date: 2017-09-05 10:04:03
Shipped Date: 2017-09-06 07:58:39

And according to DHL I should see it tomorrow before the end of the day:
Sunday, September 10, 2017 Service Area Time Piece

:smiley: Kinda excited as this is the first light I have bought in well over a year now.

申し訳ありませんが、あなたの返事にあなたが"fever"の意味を理解していません。 明るさや色温度を指していますか?


Thanks for the awesome shots of both light compared! :+1:

uggh :confounded: Indeed XP-Green!! glad i bought the Nichia seems like uniform color on the beam. nice nice.

Nichia :+1:
Not sure how the WB is set but 219C 5000K from experience is stil too white imho but this is a matter of taste.

This light is beautiful.

dont! buy MF02 instead it should also fits on the battery tube. hey maybe Astrolux should sell the head only like on the S41 and S42?

I think the camera might be exaggerating the green because if you look at this shot, they both look white.

I’ve got the smaller version of this light, the DQG 7x xpg2 in cool white, and you can see a faint greenish tint, but only next to a xml2 cool white or similar.

So maybe it’s the cameras white balance set to auto that’s creating the discrepancy?

Maybe the green stands out more at lower brightness levels?

Hmm, this is the first I’m hearing about the MF02.

yeah good catch.

There is something going on in Bluzie’s pictures that were in post 668 in this thread.

Different bin and optics. Could be present in some xpg3 lights or all of them, hard to say if they were able to source all the led’s from the same supplier.

Got my XPG3 today. Out of the box it looks like a tidy light. I’ve posted a quick video of the MF-01 as it is straight out of the box, but their is no actual light testing due to time constraints.

Excellent! Thanks for the video, I appreciate it a lot! :partying_face:

How tiny it seems in your hands... I didn't realize before....

G'Day Freeme,

Could I Please have the price and code?

Thank you Very Much,

Best Regards,



need another deep review before place my order
65$ is quite suspicious for me about build quality

Where do I get the code?

loooking good, any problems you encountered so far? Looks smaller than MT03 but tbh not sure will find out.

Thanks for the video.

freeme, please could you PM me details of how to order with your code. I too will be waiting on initial user reports before committing, but this does look compelling.
